Essay Outline – Railway Accidents in India : SEBI Grade A 2023 | Descriptive English

Essay outline - SEBI Grade A 2023

Here is an essay outline for the topic “Railway Accidents in India: Causes and Safety Measures”:


  • Introduction to the topic
  • Importance of railways in India
  • Overview of railway accidents in India


  • Causes of railway accidents in India
  • Safety measures to prevent railway accidents
    • Improved infrastructure
    • Increased training for railway staff
    • Stricter adherence to safety regulations
    • Use of technology to improve safety


  • Summary of the main points
  • Recommendations for improving railway safety in India

Additional Notes

  • This is just a basic outline, and you may need to add or remove sections depending on the specific requirements of your essay.
  • You should also do your own research to gather more information about railway accidents in India.
  • Be sure to cite your sources in your essay.

Here are some specific examples of causes and safety measures that could be discussed in the essay:

Causes of railway accidents in India

Safety measures to prevent railway accidents

  • Improved infrastructure: One way to prevent railway accidents is to improve the infrastructure. This includes upgrading tracks, signals, and other railway equipment.
  • Increased training for railway staff: Another way to prevent railway accidents is to increase training for railway staff. This includes training on safety procedures and how to operate railway equipment safely.
  • Stricter adherence to safety regulations: Stricter adherence to safety regulations can also help to prevent railway accidents. This includes ensuring that railway staff follow all safety procedures and that railway equipment is properly maintained.
  • Use of technology to improve safety: Technology can also be used to improve railway safety. This includes using technology to monitor tracks and signals, and to prevent unauthorized access to railway infrastructure.