Top Mistakes to Avoid in ECGC PO Descriptive Exam

The ECGC PO Descriptive Exam can be a defining factor in your success, testing your ability to communicate ideas clearly, concisely, and professionally. Even with strong preparation, common mistakes can reduce your score and overall performance. To help you navigate this section successfully, we’ll analyze the top mistakes candidates often make and how to avoid them.

1. Ignoring the Essay and Precis Structure

One of the most frequent mistakes in the ECGC PO Descriptive Exam is neglecting a clear structure in both the essay and precis.

Essay Structure

A strong essay should have a distinct structure, divided into three parts:

  • Introduction: Start with a clear introduction, briefly explaining the topic and its relevance.
  • Body: Organize key points in a logical order. Each paragraph should address a unique idea with supporting arguments or examples.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key points and conclude with a forward-looking statement or solution, if applicable.

Without a structured approach, your essay may come across as disorganized, making it harder for the examiner to follow.

Precis Structure

For precis writing, following a structured format is equally important:

  • Title: A concise title that captures the essence of the passage.
  • Body: Summarize the passage with clear, cohesive points. Avoid diving into unnecessary details or tangents.

Without structure, your precis may lack coherence and fail to convey the original passage’s main idea accurately.

2. Exceeding the Word Limit

The ECGC PO Descriptive Exam often specifies word limits (usually 250-300 words for essays and shorter for precis). Exceeding this limit shows a lack of control over summarization skills, especially in precis writing, where brevity is crucial.

Tips to Stay Within the Word Limit

  • Plan Before Writing: Jot down key points and stick to them.
  • Use Concise Language: Avoid unnecessary words or repetitive phrases.
  • Review and Edit: Once finished, check your word count and cut any redundant information.

Practicing within word limits improves your ability to condense information without sacrificing essential points.

3. Using Overly Complex Language

Some candidates believe that using complex vocabulary and sentence structures will make their writing impressive. However, this often backfires, making the essay harder to understand.

The Importance of Clarity

Examiners value clarity and simplicity over overly complex language. Your goal should be to convey ideas in an accessible way, ensuring that your points are easily understood. Use professional, formal language but avoid jargon or overly technical terms unless they are necessary for the topic.

How to Avoid Complex Language

  • Use Simple, Direct Sentences: Aim for readability.
  • Focus on Key Terms: Use relevant terminology without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary vocabulary.
  • Proofread for Simplicity: During review, simplify sentences that feel complex or convoluted.

4. Lack of Topic Understanding and Relevance

Writing off-topic or including irrelevant information can lower your score significantly. It shows a lack of focus and understanding of the task.

How to Ensure Topic Relevance

  • Identify Keywords: In both essay and precis, identify the main keywords and make sure your response addresses them directly.
  • Stick to Main Points: Avoid veering into unrelated areas; keep the focus on what’s asked.
  • Use Relevant Examples: Include examples that support your arguments and add value to the discussion.

By staying on topic and relevant, you demonstrate a clear understanding of the subject and enhance the coherence of your response.

5. Adding Personal Opinions in Precis Writing

Precis writing is meant to summarize the original passage objectively. Adding personal opinions or interpretations is a common mistake that shifts the focus away from the author’s intent.

How to Maintain Objectivity in Precis

  • Reflect the Author’s Perspective: Ensure that your precis accurately captures the original tone and intention.
  • Avoid Subjective Language: Do not use phrases like “I believe” or “in my opinion.”
  • Stay Neutral: Your goal is to summarize, not analyze or critique the passage.

Maintaining objectivity helps retain the precis’s accuracy and ensures it meets the examiner’s expectations.

6. Neglecting Grammar and Spelling

Grammar and spelling errors can detract from the quality of your writing, making it appear careless or poorly prepared. Since clarity is critical in the ECGC PO Descriptive Exam, grammar and spelling mistakes can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretation of your points.

Tips for Error-Free Writing

  • Proofread Carefully: Take a few minutes at the end to check for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Use Simple Grammar: Avoid complex grammatical structures that increase the chance of mistakes.
  • Practice with Grammar Tools: Using tools like Grammarly during practice can help you identify common mistakes.

Good grammar and spelling are essential to create a polished and professional response.

7. Rushing Through the Review Process

Many candidates overlook the importance of reviewing their work, either due to time constraints or lack of habit. However, reviewing your response allows you to catch errors, improve coherence, and ensure adherence to the word limit.

Effective Review Techniques

  • Time Management: Allocate the last few minutes to review.
  • Check for Key Errors: Focus on clarity, grammar, word limit, and relevance.
  • Adjust for Brevity: If you notice redundant information, remove it to maintain conciseness.

A well-reviewed essay or precis is likely to be more refined and coherent, leaving a positive impression on the examiner.

8. Ignoring Time Management Strategies

Poor time management can leave you rushing, leading to errors or incomplete sections. Managing your time effectively is crucial for covering both the essay and precis within the allocated time.

Time Allocation Tips

  • Essay Writing: Spend 15–20 minutes on the essay, including planning, writing, and reviewing.
  • Precis Writing: Allocate 10–15 minutes for reading, drafting, and editing.
  • Practice Under Timed Conditions: Regular timed practice with mock tests from Bank Whizz can improve your speed and efficiency.

By developing a time management strategy, you can ensure that each section receives the attention it deserves.

9. Failing to Practice Consistently

The ECGC PO Descriptive Exam requires skills that improve with practice. Failing to practice regularly can lead to difficulty with structuring responses, maintaining clarity, or adhering to the word limit under exam conditions.

How to Build a Consistent Practice Routine

  • Use Bank Whizz’s Practice Resources: Our practice modules and mock tests provide real exam experience, allowing you to improve over time.
  • Set Daily or Weekly Goals: Assign specific time to essay and precis writing practice each week.
  • Seek Feedback: Bank Whizz provides detailed feedback on your writing, helping you identify and improve on weak areas.

Consistent practice builds confidence, clarity, and coherence, essential qualities for excelling in the descriptive section.


Avoiding common mistakes in the ECGC PO Descriptive Exam requires an understanding of the exam format, a structured approach, and consistent practice. By focusing on structure, clarity, relevance, grammar, and time management, you can significantly improve your performance in this section. Bank Whizz offers tailored resources, feedback, and mock tests to help you hone your descriptive writing skills and approach the exam with confidence. Start practicing today to master the ECGC PO Descriptive Paper!