Precis Writing Exercise – RBI GRADE B 2023 | Descriptive English

RBI Grade B precis writing exercise

Write a precis of the given passage below in 121 words with a suitable title for it.

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives, from healthcare and education to manufacturing and transportation. However, there are concerns about the impact of AI and ML on the workforce, as these technologies have the potential to automate many jobs currently done by humans. This could lead to significant job displacement, particularly in sectors such as manufacturing and transportation.

To address these concerns, it is essential to develop policies and programs that support workers who may be impacted by automation. This includes investing in training and education programs that help workers develop the skills needed for jobs that require more creativity and critical thinking, which are less likely to be automated. It also involves developing social safety nets that provide support to workers who may lose their jobs due to automation.

In addition to addressing the impact of automation on the workforce, it is also crucial to ensure that AI and ML are developed and used in an ethical and responsible manner. This includes ensuring that these technologies are transparent and accountable, so that individuals and organizations can understand how decisions are being made. It also involves addressing issues such as bias and discrimination, which can be embedded in AI and ML systems if not properly addressed.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to foster collaboration between governments, businesses, and individuals. This includes developing policies and regulations that encourage the responsible development and use of AI and ML, as well as promoting public awareness and education about the benefits and risks of these technologies. It also involves building coalitions that bring together stakeholders from different sectors to work towards common goals.

While there are significant challenges to be addressed, AI and ML have the potential to bring about significant benefits to society. These technologies have the potential to improve healthcare outcomes, enhance educational opportunities, and increase efficiency in many industries. By working together to ensure that these technologies are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner, we can unlock the full potential of AI and ML while also ensuring that the benefits are shared widely across society.

Model precis of the passage

Title: Responsible Use of AI and ML for the Future Workforce

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have the potential to revolutionize various industries, but there are concerns about the impact on the workforce. The automation of jobs could lead to significant job displacement, especially in manufacturing and transportation. To address this issue, policies and programs should support workers by investing in training for jobs requiring critical thinking and creativity. Social safety nets must also be provided. Responsible development and use of AI and ML are also crucial to ensure transparency, accountability, and the prevention of biases and discrimination. Governments, businesses, and individuals must collaborate to develop regulations, promote awareness, and build coalitions to unlock the potential of these technologies while ensuring equitable benefits.

Precis Outline

Title: The Impact of AI and ML on the Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities

Thesis: The development of AI and ML has the potential to transform society, but it also raises concerns about job displacement, ethics, and accountability. To address these issues, collaboration is necessary among governments, businesses, and individuals to develop policies and programs that support workers, promote ethical development and use of AI and ML, and unlock their full potential for societal benefits.

I. Introduction

  • AI and ML potential to transform society
  • Concerns about job displacement, ethics, and accountability

II. Impact of Automation on the Workforce

  • Potential job displacement, particularly in manufacturing and transportation
  • Need to develop policies and programs to support impacted workers
  • Investing in training and education for creative and critical thinking jobs
  • Developing social safety nets for workers who may lose jobs

III. Ethical and Responsible Development and Use of AI and ML

  • Importance of transparency and accountability
  • Addressing bias and discrimination in AI and ML systems

IV. Collaboration between Governments, Businesses, and Individuals

  • Developing policies and regulations to encourage responsible development and use of AI and ML
  • Promoting public awareness and education about the benefits and risks of these technologies
  • Building coalitions to work towards common goals

V. Conclusion

  • AI and ML potential to improve healthcare outcomes, educational opportunities, and increase efficiency in many industries
  • Collaboration needed to ensure responsible and ethical development and use of AI and ML
  • Unlocking the full potential of AI and ML while ensuring benefits are shared widely across society