ARD NABARD MAINS 2020 QUIZ 8 : CHAPTER FISHERIES June 23, 2020June 10, 2021 CHAPTER : FISHERIES Please enter your email: 1. The potential of marine fish production from the Indian EEZ is 3.9 million tonnes 3.0 million tonnes 5.4 million tonnes 4.5 million tonnes None of the above 2. The following state has the highest marine fish production in India. Maharashtra Gujarat Kerala Tamil Nadu None of the above 3. The major gear used to exploit tunas from the Indian coastal waters is Drift gill nets Trawlers Purse seines Trolling None of the above 4. Scientific name of Frigate tuna is Auxis thazard Auxis rochei Thunnus tonggol Katsuwonus pelamis None of the above 5. Choodavalai used to exploit the Whitebaits from southwest coast of India is a type of Gill net Shore seine Ring seine Bag net None of the above 6. Whitefish is also known as False trevally Jew fish Croaker Thread fin None of the above 7. The example of Slipmouth is Leiognathus bindus Harpodon nehereus Nemipterus japonicas None of the above Any of the above 8. The maximum production of Chinese pomfret is from the state of Karnataka Kerala Maharashtra Odisha None of the above 9. The species having topmost production in the world is Peruvian anchoveata Alaskan Pollock Chub mackerel Blue Whiting None of the above 10. The area of EEZ along the west coast of India is 0.86 million sq. km 0.90 million sq. km 0.56 million sq. km 1.0 million sq. km None of the above Loading …