ESI (ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ISSUES) QUIZ 12 for RBI, NABARD, SEBI, IRDA and Other Banking Exams – Chapter : Globalization June 27, 2020June 10, 2021 CHAPTER: GLOBALIZATION Please enter your email: 1. Amalgamation and rapid unification between countries can be identified as Globalisation Liberalisation Socialisation Privatisation None of the above 2. Globalisation has improved in the living structure of All the people Workers in developing countries people in developed countries people in under-developed countries None of the above 3. Which Indian industries have been hit by globalisation? Cement Jute Toymaking Information Technology (IT) None of the above 4. Which organisations strain on the liberalisation of foreign investment and foreign trade? International Monetary Fund World Health Organisation World Trade Organisation International Labour Organisation None of the above 5. Tax on imports can be treated as Collateral Trade Barriers Foreign Trade Terms of Trade None of the above 6. The main reason behind MNCs investments are To benefit foreign countries To provide financial support to the country’s government For the welfare of underprivileged people. To increase the assets and earn profits. None of the above 7. Which institute supports investments and foreign trade in India? International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Trade Organisation (WTO) World Bank International Labour Organisation (ILO) None of the above 8. When did the government remove the barriers for investment and investment in India? 1990 1991 1992 1993 None of the above 9. MNC stands for Multinational Corporation Multination Corporation Multinational Cities Multinational Council None of the above 10. Process of integration of different countries is called Liberalization Privatization Globalization None of the above Any of the above Loading …