NABARD Grade A/B exam is considered one of the prestigious exams of India.
NABARD Mains consists of two papers, descriptive English and ESI & ARD. Descriptive English contains 100 marks and the ESI & ARD section contains 100 marks. A total of 200 marks will be in the main exam. 50 percent of the ESI and ARD are descriptive and the rest is objective. The role of answer writing is a major deciding factor in the final selection of the NABARD exam.
NABARD Mains Answer Writing
How important is it?
Writing good answers on this exam is as important as the content itself. This is because over the time or over the years how much you have studied or how much you have learned does not count rather what you write in the exam hall only that produces your results. You may now understand the importance of answer writing. There are many things to consider while writing your answer in the exam. The following are a few such-.
Some important points to note about drafting an answer for NABARD Mains.
Your answer should impress the examiner and he should realize that it is written by the future officer of NABARD. You have to answer what is asked in the question without deviating from the subject and write properly, clearly, that can impress the examiner. An important thing to note is that aside from the fact and figures, they expect you to give your perspective with the analytic aspects. Here, a comprehensive understanding of the concepts will help frame the answer in the best possible manner.
How to start answer writing practice for the mains?
Completing the answer in the given time is a tremendous challenge in itself and many aspirants fail at this point. That’s because you need to write a total of 3 hours in the exam hall. 90 minutes of English descriptive and 90 minutes for ESI and ARD descriptive. In total you need to write 2000 words in the given 90 minutes for descriptive ESI & ARD. 4 questions need to be answered. 2 questions of 600 words each containing 15 marks and 2 questions of 400 words each containing 10 marks. In our bank whizz platform, None of the aspirants are able to write 2000 words in the given 90 minutes. It is the biggest challenge.
That is why it becomes very important for aspirants to practice answer writing before the exam so that they can practice their time management and make a proper strategy for attempting the paper. Before starting the answer writing practice one needs to build fundamental knowledge. To know the type of questions that are going to be asked in the final exam, you need to go through the previous year’s questions asked in descriptive ESI & ARD. Prior to 2015, NABARD used to ask ESI & ARD in descriptive form.
The result of prelims is out, there are not many days left in the exam, you can start practicing answer writing at the earliest possible, aspirants can practice them on a regular basis on the online platform of their answer writing practice. Bank Whizz provides a descriptive answer writing platform and mocks free of cost.
There is a saying: Practice Makes Perfect.
It Is Very Important To Practice Every Day 1 – 2 Questions on a virtual platform. Also, you need to refer to The Hindu, Yojna, Kurukshetra for a better supply of thoughts for answer writing.
Wish you all the best!