Precis Writing for ECGC PO: Tips to Master Precision and Clarity

Precis writing is a crucial component of the ECGC PO descriptive exam, testing your ability to condense information and summarize it with clarity. It requires you to capture the essence of a given passage in fewer words, accurately representing the main ideas without distorting the original meaning. This skill is not only valuable for competitive exams but also demonstrates your capacity for clear thinking and effective communication in professional settings. Here’s a comprehensive guide on mastering precis writing for the ECGC PO exam, with tips and strategies to enhance your precision and clarity.

What is Precis Writing?

Precis writing involves creating a concise summary of a given passage, condensing it to about one-third of its original length without losing the key points or essence. The word “precis” is derived from the French word “précis,” which means “summary.” A good precis is concise, objective, and written in your own words, without altering the tone or intent of the original passage.

In the ECGC PO descriptive exam, the precis section evaluates your comprehension, ability to identify central ideas, and skill in expressing them succinctly. Unlike essay writing, which allows for personal opinions, precis writing is strictly factual and objective, focusing on summarizing the author’s ideas accurately.

Key Principles of Precis Writing

Before diving into specific tips, it’s essential to understand the principles that govern good precis writing:

  1. Brevity and Conciseness: Precis writing demands brevity. Every word should serve a purpose, making the precis around one-third the length of the original passage.
  2. Accuracy: The precis must accurately represent the original passage’s ideas. Misinterpretation or misrepresentation of facts can lead to losing marks.
  3. Objectivity: Precis writing requires an objective approach. Personal opinions, interpretations, or additional information should not be included.
  4. Clarity: The precis should be clear and easy to understand, presenting ideas logically.
  5. Own Words: The summary should be written in your own words, avoiding phrases directly copied from the original text. This shows your understanding and ability to paraphrase.

How to Approach Precis Writing for ECGC PO

Let’s break down the steps involved in writing an effective precis for the ECGC PO exam.

1. Read the Passage Carefully

The first step in precis writing is to read the passage thoroughly. Carefully reading helps you understand the central theme and main ideas. Without understanding the content fully, it’s difficult to accurately condense the information.

  • Read Twice: Start with a quick read to get an overview. Then, read a second time more carefully, identifying important points, arguments, and supporting details.
  • Identify the Main Idea: Focus on the core idea or theme of the passage. Each paragraph in the passage will support this main idea, so make sure you understand how all the points connect.

2. Highlight Key Points and Eliminate Details

After identifying the main theme, underline or make notes of the key points. These points will form the backbone of your precis.

  • Focus on Key Points: Capture the primary ideas presented by the author without getting lost in the details or examples.
  • Eliminate Unnecessary Information: Examples, illustrations, anecdotes, and repetitive details should be avoided in the precis. Your goal is to distill the passage to its core ideas.

3. Rewrite in Your Own Words

Precis writing is an exercise in paraphrasing. Avoid copying sentences directly from the passage. Rewrite the passage in your own words, keeping the meaning intact.

  • Use Synonyms and Paraphrasing: Replace specific words with synonyms, and rephrase sentences to convey the same meaning.
  • Maintain the Original Tone: If the passage is formal, your precis should be formal too. Similarly, don’t alter the author’s tone, whether it’s critical, analytical, or persuasive.

4. Maintain Objectivity

One of the core rules of precis writing is objectivity. Precis writing is not an opinion-based exercise, so refrain from adding personal thoughts or interpretations.

  • Stay Neutral: Use third-person language and avoid adding subjective statements. Your task is to condense the original content without adding or omitting the author’s viewpoint.
  • Avoid Bias: Precis should represent the author’s ideas without any personal bias or additional judgment.

5. Structure the Precis Logically

A good precis is logically organized, with the ideas presented in the same order as they appear in the original passage.

  • Introduction: Start by introducing the main idea of the passage, often by mentioning the author’s name (if known) and the topic.
  • Body: Outline the key points in the order they appear, ensuring each sentence flows logically into the next.
  • Conclusion: Conclude by reiterating the central theme, maintaining a sense of completeness.

6. Check Word Count

A precis should ideally be one-third the length of the original passage. Use this guideline to ensure you’re on track. If you exceed this limit, revisit your draft and cut down unnecessary words or rephrase lengthy sentences to keep it concise.

Sample Passage and Precis

“With the advent of digital banking, the traditional banking model is undergoing a significant transformation. Digital banking solutions have made it easier for customers to access financial services anytime and anywhere. However, this shift also brings challenges, including cybersecurity threats, digital illiteracy among older generations, and high dependency on technology. Banks are investing in cybersecurity measures and user-friendly platforms to address these issues. Despite the challenges, digital banking has opened new opportunities for financial inclusion, allowing access to banking services for individuals in remote areas.”

Digital banking has transformed traditional banking, enabling customers to access financial services anytime. However, it presents challenges like cybersecurity risks, digital illiteracy in older generations, and dependency on technology. Banks are addressing these issues through cybersecurity investments and user-friendly platforms. Digital banking ultimately fosters financial inclusion by making services accessible to remote communities.

Tips for Mastering Precision and Clarity in Precis Writing

1. Practice Summarizing Different Texts

Regular practice will improve your precis writing skills significantly. Summarize articles, news reports, or paragraphs from books, focusing on capturing the essence without including extra details.

2. Expand Your Vocabulary

Having a strong vocabulary allows you to paraphrase effectively, helping you avoid repetition and redundancy. Knowing synonyms and alternative expressions helps you communicate ideas clearly and concisely.

3. Improve Grammar and Syntax

Good grammar is essential for a clear and precise summary. Errors in syntax or grammar can obscure the meaning, leading to a loss of marks. Focus on using correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure in your precis.

4. Keep Sentences Short and Simple

Use short sentences to maintain clarity. Avoid complex sentences that may confuse the reader. Each sentence should convey one clear idea, making the precis easy to read and understand.

5. Avoid Unnecessary Words

Be selective with words to achieve precision. Eliminate words like “very,” “really,” or “that” if they don’t add value. Make sure each word serves a purpose, contributing to the clarity and conciseness of the precis.

6. Review and Revise

After writing the precis, take a few minutes to review it. Look for any redundancies, unclear phrases, or grammatical errors. Revising your work ensures accuracy and maintains clarity.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Precis Writing

Avoiding common mistakes can greatly enhance the quality of your precis:

  1. Copying Sentences: Refrain from directly copying phrases or sentences from the original text. Instead, paraphrase and rephrase the content in your own words.
  2. Adding Personal Opinions: Precis writing is objective, so do not include your own opinions or interpretations.
  3. Inclusion of Unnecessary Details: Examples, anecdotes, or detailed explanations should be left out unless they are essential to the core meaning.
  4. Writing Too Long or Too Short: Stick to the one-third length rule. Writing too long or too short can indicate a lack of precision.
  5. Ignoring Important Details: While brevity is essential, make sure to include all key points from the original passage.

Practice Exercises for Precis Writing

To sharpen your precis-writing skills, try practicing with different types of passages. Here are some practice exercises:

  1. Economics: Read an article on inflation and try summarizing its main points in one-third of the original length.
  2. Technology: Summarize an article about the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market.
  3. Environmental Issues: Write a precis on a passage discussing climate change and its effects on agriculture.


Precis writing is a skill that requires practice, attention to detail, and an objective approach. By focusing on the core message, eliminating unnecessary details, and rephrasing content in your own words, you can create a precise and clear summary that captures the essence of the original passage. For the ECGC PO exam, mastering precis writing is essential, as it demonstrates your ability to process information accurately and communicate it concisely.

With regular practice, careful reading, and the use of these strategies, you can improve your precis writing and maximize your score in the ECGC PO descriptive exam. Remember, clarity and precision are the pillars of an excellent precis, so focus on summarizing effectively without compromising the original meaning.