Answer Outline – Descriptive ESI for RBI Grade B What is the influence of Demographic Transition on economic growth with reference to India?

Here is an answer outline with hints for the question “What is the influence of Demographic Transition on economic growth with reference to India”:


  • Define demographic transition and explain how it can affect economic growth
  • Provide a brief history of demographic transition in India
  • Discuss the current demographic situation in India


  • Discuss the different ways that demographic transition can affect economic growth, such as:
    • A larger working-age population can lead to higher productivity and economic growth.
    • A smaller dependent population can lead to lower government spending on social welfare programs.
  • Provide examples of how demographic transition has affected economic growth in India, such as:
    • India’s economic growth rate has increased in recent years, due in part to a larger working-age population.
    • India’s government spending on social welfare programs has decreased in recent years, due to a smaller dependent population.
  • Discuss the challenges that India faces in taking advantage of demographic transition, such as:
    • India’s education system needs to be improved in order to make the most of its large working-age population.
    • India needs to create more jobs in order to absorb its growing workforce.


  • Summarize the main points of the essay
  • Discuss the importance of demographic transition for economic growth in India
  • Offer suggestions for how India can take advantage of demographic transition to achieve sustained economic growth.


  • Demographic transition is the process by which a country’s population moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.
  • Demographic transition can have a positive impact on economic growth by increasing the size of the working-age population and decreasing the size of the dependent population.
  • India is currently in the midst of demographic transition.
  • India has a large working-age population and a small dependent population.
  • India’s economic growth rate has increased in recent years, due in part to demographic transition.
  • India’s government spending on social welfare programs has decreased in recent years, due to demographic transition.
  • India faces challenges in taking advantage of demographic transition, such as improving its education system and creating more jobs.
  • India can take advantage of demographic transition to achieve sustained economic growth by improving its education system, creating more jobs, and investing in infrastructure.