ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ISSUES (ESI) Quiz 11 for RBI, NABARD, SEBI June 21, 2020June 10, 2021 Please enter your email: 1. __ was the Mascot of 2011 Indian Census ? A woman enumerator A helping hand symbol A child and mother A teddy bear None of the above 2. The slogan of Census 2011 was ? One Census, Million Future Our Census, Million Future One Census, One Future Our Census, Our future None of the above 3. __is also called the “Year of Great Divide” in the demographic history of India ? 1921 1901 1931 2011 None of the above 4. Along with the highest sex ratio, Kerala also has the dubious distinction of highest ? Transgenders Greying population Handicapped population Child marriages None of the above 5. The first ever Census in modern human history was conducted by ? UK America New Zealand India None of the above 6. The decadal growth of population for India as whole declined from__ in 1981-91 to __in 2001 – 11 ? 23.87, 17.61 17.61 , 10.61 20.87, 10.61 17.09, 9.61 None of the above 7. The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Constitute_ and __% of the Indian population ? 8.2%, 16.2% 16.2%, 20.2% 20.2%, 16.2% 16.2%, 8.2% None of the above 8. Prior to 2011 the caste census was last conducted in the year ? 1911 1921 1931 1951 None of the above 9. The First Registrar General and Census Commissioner of Independent India was ? M W M Yeatts J H Hutton J T Marten E A Gait None of the above 10. The First Indian Registrar General and Census Commissioner of Independent India was ? Ashok Mitra R B Chari A R Nanda R A Gopalaswami None of the above Loading …