Dear Aspirant,
Any preparation starts with a thorough study of the syllabus and if you have understood the syllabus then you have completed one part of your journey. The prescribed syllabus gives you the basic knowledge of what you actually need to follow.
Friend, as you know that there is a conspicuous change in the syllabus of the second phase of NABARD Grade A 2021. The weightage of Subjective Type Knowledge is more. In this second phase, you are required to write Descriptive English Questions along with the questions based on Economic and Social Issues.
Previously, the papers for ESI and ARD were based on objective-type questions; but now, only one paper i.e. ESI will comprise Subjective questions along with Objective Questions.
- Time allotted- 120 Minutes; Marks- 100
- Objective- 30mn; 50 marks
- Descriptive- 90mn; 50 marks
Bank whizz has provided a list of important ESI descriptive questions for NABARD Grade A 2021 (New Pattern) –
- Mention the items included in the service sector.
- Try to account for the increasing role of services from demand and supply side factors.
- How do the views of Keynes and New Classicals differ on the need for perfect capital mobility?
- What are the risks associated with free capital mobility?
- Does capital mobility have any impact on monetary policy?
- Which are the variables that measure economic freedom enjoyed by citizens?
- Do you think that government intervention at the cost of lower economic freedom is desirable to promote growth?
- What are the objectives of the Indian Monetary Policy?
- Bring out the chief features of monetary policy as it prevailed before 1990?
- Write down your perception of the monetary transmission mechanism and intermediate targets.
- Distinguish between head-count ratio and poverty-gap ratio as measures of poverty. What is the extent of poverty in India?
- Bring out the role of the agricultural sector in the current stage of development in India. Please, refer to the current farm bills. –
- Bring out, in an appropriate framework, the consequences of high fiscal deficits in an economy. Are you of the opinion that fiscal deficits in India are excessive? Give reasons for your answer.
- Show that an economy cannot simultaneously have fixed exchange rates, perfect capital mobility, and autonomous monetary policy. Bring out, in this context, the effects of increased capital inflows/outflows in an economy like India.
- What are the factors responsible for the emergence of a balance-of-payments/currency/financial crisis? Analyze with the help of some historical examples.
- Bring out the developments in India’s balance of payments (BOPs) since around the year 2010. Would you consider the current BOPs position in India to be sustainable?
- Give reasons for your answer.
- What are Special Drawing Rights (SRs)? Why is it being suggested that SDRs should have a greater role to play in a reformed international financial system?
Short notes:
- Sustainable Development
- India’s changing face after the COVID-19 pandemic
- Inflation in India
- New Farm-Bills
- Discuss in brief the objectives of India’s current foreign trade policy.
- Discuss in brief the causes and consequences of the recent world economic depression.
- What has been the significance of the services sector as a driver for economic growth in India since the 1990s?
- Examine in detail the nature and causes of the recent inflation experience in India and suggest an appropriate policy response?
- What is the significance of agriculture to the Indian economy today?
- Discuss the trade-off between environment and economic development in the light of India’s experience of economic development since liberalization.
- What according to you should be the major thrust of policy in order to achieve sustainable economic growth along with significant employment generation?
- What are the arguments for and against full capital account convertibility for India?
- Outline the major reforms in the Indian financial sector since 1990.
- What are the Headcount ratio and Poverty Gap ratio?
- Discuss the debate relating to the measurement of poverty in India in recent years.
- Discuss the Basel III framework and challenges faced by Indian banks in this context.
- Discuss the concept of Financial Inclusion and its possible impact on economic development.
Write a short note on
- Declining sex ratio at birth in India
- The Harris-tadoro model of migration
- Financial repression
- Labour market reforms in India
- WTO and developing countries
- RBI’s response to recent inflation.
- What according to you are the main factors behind the slowing of the GDP growth rate in India since 2009?
- Explain the changes suggested by the Tendulkar Committee in the measurement of poverty in India.
- Analyze the recent episode of food price inflation in India.
- Critically analyze the pros and cons of the Right to Food Act 2013 in India?
- Write a detailed note on the Solow growth model.
- Analyze the Finance Budget for 2021-22.
- Write a note on the demographic dividend in the Indian context.
Write a short note:
- Environment and Economic Growth
- The Kuznets curve in the context of economic inequality
- India’s trade balance
- Importance of agriculture in the Indian Economy
- Evaluate the opportunities and challenges of the Government’s decision to allow FDI in the Insurance Sector in India.
- Analyze the issue of joblessness and India’s employment story, in the post-reform period. Is any turnaround possible?
- Exchange rate depreciation helps to improve the balance of payments. Discuss in the context of the Indian Economy.
- Growth versus Inflation. What steps have been taken by the RBI to reconcile the conflict?
- The entire architecture of contemporary development thinking is stacked against nature. Comment
- Analyze W.A. Lewis’s theory of unlimited supply of labor in the Indian context.
- Discuss the rationale of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the development of infrastructure in India.
- Critically assess the key recommendations of the Thirteenth Finance Commission. Which issues you would like to pose before the Fourteenth Finance Commission?
- Examine that the magnitude of malnutrition in India is a disturbing phenomenon.
- Write short notes:
- Main features of the National Food Security Bill, 2013
- Issue of social security in unorganized sector in India.Major provisions under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
- Women’s empowerment is an important prerequisite for overall economic development.
- Critically explain Weber’s theory of industrial location.
- Discuss the evolution of the international monetary system from the collapse of the Bretton Woods arrangement in 1971. What are the features of the present international monetary system?
- Discuss the role played by modern digitization technologies in achieving inclusive growth in India.
- Explain the critical minimum Effort thesis of economic growth.
- Examine the aftershocks of BREXIT. Find its implications on India’s economy?
- Discuss the latest activities undertaken by the government to encourage the manufacturing sector in India.
- Evaluate the recommendations of the XIVth Finance Commission.
- Discuss the measures undertaken by the government recently to improve the marketing of agricultural products in India.
- What are the challenges faced by the Public Sector Banks in the changing environment due to privatization and globalization? What measures do you suggest to overcome these challenges?
Write a short note:
- PM Wani Project
- Is India ready for 5G technologies
- India’s successful Vaccination Drive
- Financial Inclusion
- Acquisitions and Mergers of Banks