FINANCIAL AWARENESS QUIZ 5 for SEBI and Other Regulatory Body Exams


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1. Which among the following is/are correct regarding Money Market?
a) Money Market is a market for short-term funds
b) Maturity in this market ranging from overnight to one year
c) The basic function of money market is to provide efficient liquidity position for commercial banks, financial institution, Mutual funds, insurance companies, corporate etc
d) Maturity in this market is above one year
Select the correct answer from following options:


2. Which among the following is/are correct regarding Call Money?
a) It is the money lent/borrowed for maximum period of 14 days
b) No Collateral is required in Call Money transaction
c) It is the money lent/borrowed for maximum period of 30 days
d) Banks borrow primarily from the inter-bank (call money) market
Select the correct answer from following options:


3. What is the maximum duration for which term money can be lent/borrowed?


4. What is the minimum duration for which term money can be lent/borrowed?


5. How many Scheduled Commercial Banks are there in India?


6. Which among the following surveys is not conducted by Reserve Bank of India?


7. Who is the issuing authority of coins in India?


8. Which act governs the minting of coins in India?


9. How many government coin mints are there in India?


10. Coins upto what amount are called ‘small coins’ in India?