Formal Letters to be attempted
- Write a letter to your sibling about how to prepare for Bank examinations.
- Write a letter to the copany accepting the job offer of an Assistant Manager in the company
- Write a letter on behalf of your department to the CEO of your company for working in late hours and not appreciated by management members
- Write a letter to the Zonal Head of the bank you have been selecting in requesting him to extend the date of your appointment. Give due reasons.
- Write a letter to your sibling advising hime/her how to get ready for competitive examinations.
- Write a letter of acceptance of a job offer to the firm where you had applied for the job of an assitant mananger.
- Write a letter of complaint on behalf of your department to the CEO about the extra hours your department is putting without any appreciation whatsoever from the managment.
- Write a letter to an appropriate authority requesting him to develop your locality educationally.
- Write a letter to your friend telling him about the the Census of 10 years
- You are Mr. Lahri residing at Tollyganj Kolkata. Write a letter to a local newspaper about a bad piece of road
- that is in urgent need of repair before the advent of the rainy season.
- You are Mrs. Sharma living at Dariyaganz, New Delhi. Write to the society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals about a case of cruelty to a bullock, giving details including the date and place and name and address of the guilty person.
- Write a letter to your best friend advising him to insure his life.
- In a letter to your sick friend, telling him that you have shifted to a new house, and describe your new neighborhood.
- Write on behalf of your father to a house-agent about a suitable flat, stating clearly your requirements.
- Suppose you have received a letter from your father complaining about the idleness and extravagant habits of your younger brother. Write a letter to the younger brother, expressing you disapproval of his conduct and urging him to mend his ways.
- Write a letter to your landlord, asking him to carry out certain urgent repairs to your house, and to have the whole building whitewashed.
- Write a letter to your friend condoling him on his grandmother’s death. You are Saroj living at Sankhari Tola Street, Kolkata- 7,000014.
- Write a litter to your friend inviting your Uncle to your Grandmother’s b’day.
- Suppose you have received a litter from your father complaining about the idleness and extravagant habits of your younger brother. Write a letter to the younger brother, expressing your disapproval of his conduct and urging him to mend his ways.
- Write a letter to your landlord, asking him to carry out certain urgent repairs to your house, and to have the whole building whitewashed
- Letter from a customer to the bank pledging valuables against loan
- A letter from son to father who wants him to pursue a career in biotechnology.
- A letter from an employee to an employer for leave.
- A letter to a bank pledging valuables against loans
Some more letters to be attempted
- You are Mr. Lahri residing at Tollyganj Kolkata. Write a letter to a local newspaper about a bad piece of road that is in urgent need of repair before the advent of the rainy season.
- You are Mrs. Sharma living at Dariyaganz, New Delhi. Write to the society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals about a case of cruelty to a bullock, giving details including the date and place and name and address of the guilty person.
- Write a letter to your best friend advising him to insure his life.
- In a letter to your sick friend, telling him that you have shifted to a new house, and describe your new neighborhood.
- Write on behalf of your father to a house-agent about a suitable flat, stating clearly your requirements.
- Suppose you have received a letter from your father complaining about the idleness and extravagant habits of your younger brother. Write a letter to the younger brother, expressing you disapproval of his conduct and urging him to mend his ways.
- Write a letter to your landlord, asking him to carry out certain urgent repairs to your house, and to have the whole building whitewashed.
- Write a letter to your friend condoling him on his grandmother’s death. You are Saroj living at Sankhari Tola Street, Kolkata- 7,000014.
- Write a litter to your friend inviting your Uncle to your Grandmother’s b’day.
- Suppose you have received a litter from your father complaining about the idleness and extravagant habits of your younger brother. Write a letter to the younger brother, expressing your disapproval of his conduct and urging him to mend his ways.
Write a letter to your landlord, asking him to carry out certain urgent repairs to your house, and to have the whole building whitewashed.
Write a letter to the police station, giving full particulars about a lost bicycle. Offer a reward for recovery
Write on behalf of your father to a house-agent about a suitable flat, stating clearly your requirements.