Preparing for RBI Grade B ESI Exam: Importance of Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues

The RBI Grade B exam is one of the most competitive exams in the banking sector, and the ESI section plays a significant role in determining a candidate’s selection. In recent years, the ESI section has been given more emphasis, and the Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues topic has become an important part of it. In this post, we will discuss the importance of Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues in the RBI Grade B ESI exam and how to prepare for it.

Importance of Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues:

Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues are crucial topics in the current scenario, and their importance has been reflected in the RBI Grade B ESI exam. Questions related to sustainable development, environmental policies, and climate change are commonly asked in the exam. Therefore, it is essential to have a strong understanding of these topics to score well in the ESI section.

Preparation Strategy for Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues:

Here are some tips for preparing for the Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues topic for the RBI Grade B ESI exam:

Understand the concepts: It is essential to have a clear understanding of the concepts related to sustainable development, environmental policies, and climate change. You can refer to books or online resources to understand these concepts.

Stay updated: Keep yourself updated with the latest environmental policies, initiatives, and developments. Follow reliable sources of information like government websites, newspapers, and journals to stay updated.

Practice previous year papers: Practicing previous year papers is an effective way to prepare for the exam. It will help you understand the pattern of questions and the type of questions asked.

Join online communities: Join online communities related to sustainable development and environmental issues. It will help you connect with like-minded individuals and share information and insights.

Take mock tests: Taking mock tests will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. It will also help you understand the time management skills required to complete the exam within the given time.


Sustainable Development and Environmental Issues have become an essential part of the RBI Grade B ESI exam. It is crucial to have a strong understanding of these topics to score well in the ESI section. Follow the above-mentioned tips to prepare for the exam effectively. Good luck with your preparation!