RBI Grade – B Exam in 2004
Attempt any one of the following in about 250 words:- (Marks – 20)
- You have been asked to investigate why bank customers in a particular region are reluctant to use ATMs. Write a report on your findings.
- Write a letter to the HRD Department, explaining the need for a course in anger management
- Draft a circular to all employees outlining the energy-saving measures being implemented by your organization.
RBI Grade – B Exam in 2007
Attempt any one of the following in about 250 words:- (Marks – 20)
- Draft a brief investigative report as Assistant Manager, on your findings about the recent instances of conflict among your junior staff members. Recommend solutions.
- You have been asked to draft a proposal to sponsor a sports event for specially disabled children on Republic Day. Draw up the proposal.
- Offer financial advice to a party that has come in to explore investment avenues. Point out the benefits of investing in Mutual Funds rather than Fixed Deposits.
RBI Grade-B Exam – 2008
Attempt any one of the following in about 250 words:- (Marks – 20)
- On behalf of the employees of your bank, draft a representation to the Management asking for improvements in infrastructure for better work performance.
- Draft a proposal to disburse funds and relief material to the flood hit victims of Bihar.
- Imagine yourself to be the Governor of the Reserve Bank. What measures would you adopt in the present financial crisis?
RBI Grade – B Exam – 2009
Attempt any one of the following in about 250 words:- (Marks – 20)
- A car manufacturer has appointed a committee to investigate the feasibility of setting up a car manufacturing plant in India. As the Chairperson of the Committee, draft your report with recommendations.
- As the MLA from a rural area, draft a proposal to start a Technical College in your area.
- As the General Manager of a company, draft a circular to all employees about austerity measures to be adopted, in order to tide over the recession.
RBI Grade – B Exam – 2010
Attempt anyone of the following in about 250 words (Marks – 20)
- Draft an investigative report on a fire that broke out in the accounts department last week. Suggest safeguards to handle such accidents in the future.
- Make a proposal on behalf of the employees to the General Manager of the R B.I. on the need for some Yoga and Stress Management Programmes for the officers, twice a year to increase their efficiency. You are the H. R Manager.
- With Corporates supporting social causes it is suggested that the RB.1. can organize a Maths Quiz with cash awards for underprivileged children. As General Manager, put your ideas forward to the Head Office.
RBI Grade – B Exam – 2011
Attempt anyone of the following in about 250 words :- 20 marks
- Indian households have savings of above 30%- one of the highest in the world. A Committee has been constituted to suggest various financial products where these savings can be invested with a view to protecting the principal from inflation and also to give positive and real returns. Draft the Committee Report.
- Commuting to the office during peak hours has become an ordeal particularly in large cities. This is affecting the efficiency of the employees. As the HR Manager draft a proposal to be sent to RBI for introducing flexible working hours in the bank. Highlight the salient features of’ flexi-time’ and how it would enhance efficiency at workplace.
- RBI had issued a Notification directing commercial banks against lending more than 80% of the value other property for loans above Rs. 20 lakhs. The President of the Association of Real Estate Developers of India has written to RBI stating that this move does not bode well for developers as it may lead to drop in home sales. On behalf of RBI write a suitable reply to be sent to the President of the Association. Impress upon the real estate developers that the notification is aimed at curbing speculation in the market and not at affecting home sales.
Grade B Exam – 2012
Answer any one of the following in about 250 words:— 20 marks
- The Chairmen of the Reserve Bank has called an urgent meeting to examine the problem arising from a sudden spurt of fake notes of denominations of 1000 and 500 in the market. Discuss the measures suggested to identify and stop this flood of fake currency.
- Hoardings pose an environmental hazard and are an ugly sight in any city. Write an open letter, as a concerned citizen to the Editor, The Times of India offering your ideas in this matter.
- In the wake of online financial frauds and phishing; the RBI has decided to send a Circular to all banks to secure the details of the accounts of their customers and warn them about such risks. Draft this circular.
Grade B Exam – 2012
Letter/Report writing (20m)
Write any one of the following (250 words)
- Indian households have savings of above 30%— one of the highest in the world. A Committee has been constituted to suggest various financial products where these savings can be invested with a view to protecting the principal from inflation and also to give positive and real returns. Draft the Committee Report.
- Commuting to the office during peak hours has become an ordeal, particularly in large cities. This is affecting the efficiency of the employees. As the HR Manager draft a proposal to be sent to RBI for introducing flexible working hours in the bank. Highlight the salient features of flexi-time and how it would enhance efficiency at workplace.
- RBI had issued a Notification directing commercial banks against lending more than 80% of the value of the property for loans above Rs. 20 lakhs. The President of the Association of Real Estate Developers of India has written to RBI stating that this move does not bode well for developers as it may lead to drop in home sales. On behalf of RBI write a suitable reply to be sent to the President of the Association. Impress upon the real estate developers that the notification is aimed at curbing speculation in the market and not at affecting home sales.
Grade B Exam – 2014
Attempt any one of the following in about 250 words:— 20 marks
- It has been reported to R.B.I. that few banks are violating the prescribed norms while granting loans to the Private Companies. As the General Manager of R.B.I., direct a committee to be instantly constituted to look into the matter and recommend remedial measures to be initiated against such banks. Draft a committee report.
- On behalf of RBI, issue a circular to all the subsidiary banks to open a special cell to deal with educational loan applications for higher education in India and abroad and expedite the essential procedures to sanction the loans within a specific period of 10 days.
- The Chairman of Customers’ Association has reported to R.B.I. that banks located in rural areas are not able to function well due to frequent cuts in power supply. It causes tremendous inconvenience to customers who come from far off places and go back without their work being done. On behalf of R.B.I., draft a letter to the Chairman of the Association, assuring him that the matter will be seriously taken into account and rural banks will be instructed to make provision for the installation of generators to address this problem permanently in case of power failure.