Dear Aspirant of SBI, there is an English proverb, ‘An early bird always catches the worm’. The earlier you start preparing for the exam in a balanced way, the more chances are there for final selection.
Tag: sbi po syllabus 2021
Most Important / Probable Essay Topics -SBI PO 2021
Whether any essay topics matched in ECGC PO 2021 from your most probable essay topics? |FAQs Descriptive English
Whether any essay topics matched in ECGC PO 2021 from your most probable essay topics?
Outline of Essay Writing- an Effective Tool for SBI PO 2021 Mains Descriptive English Paper
Essay-writing is easy provided that you keep in mind some highly important key points. The Method employed will certainly develop an insight into this skill that will help you get better marks in this section. Please, follow the following key points:
Sample / Model Letter Writing for SBI PO 2021| Descriptive English Paper
Hope everything is going fine with your studies. Descriptive Paper is never tough provided done with a little effort. It may turn out to be highly interesting.
NPS Trust Officer Grade B 2021- Most Important / Probable Essay Topics
Now that you are preparing for the second phase of NPS Grade B exam, you are required to make proper strategy for the second phase of the first paper, which is the Descriptive English Paper. Bankwhizz is specialized in this Paper regularly providing you with most probable essay and letter topics for all regulatory body and other exams. As you know, the descriptive English Test as shown in NPS Grade B Paper-I phase – 2 exam, it will carry 100 marks for three sections: