Dear Aspirant,
If you’re in the battle field without fully laced with reliable weapons and strategies, you’re most likely to bite the dust. The Descriptive Paper is the battlefield where you need to fight with two weapons ‘Essay’ and ‘Letter’ keeping in mind your concrete strategy to win.
The preparation for the Objective Type English and that of the Descriptive one are poles apart. On the one hand, the former requires accuracy and acumen while on the other hand, the latter skills in the right direction. Now, question arises how you can hone in on improving writing skills. Please, work on the following key areas for the purpose:

- Practice on a virtual platform (Computer/Laptop)
- Focus on answering through the key-board.
- Keep with you a stop-watch for time management (Better practice on ‘Bankwhizz’ for free)
- Write your answers on the Note-pad
- Along with time management, manage the word-limit as well
- Within time and word-limit, follow the ideal format of a letter and an essay
- Don’t beat about the bush. Always keep yourself to the point.
- Include facts and figures to invite the attention of the examiner for better marks.
- Prepare well under proper guidance.
Avoid taking any chance for the exam. Favourable time hardly knocks at the door of success. Join India’s biggest platform for Descriptive English Paper Preparation.