Top 10 important descriptive ESI (economic and social issues) questions for NABARD Grade A 2023

Descriptive ESI Questions – based on previously asked in the exam:

  1. What are the key challenges facing the Indian economy in the post-COVID era, and what are the measures that the Government of India can take to address them?
  2. Discuss the impact of the Ukraine-Russia war on the Indian economy and society, and suggest measures to mitigate the negative impacts.
  3. What are the key measures that the Government of India has taken to promote financial inclusion for all sections of society?
  4. Discuss the role of NABARD in promoting rural development in India, and suggest ways to improve its effectiveness.
  5. What are the key social issues facing India today, such as poverty, inequality, and malnutrition? Discuss the government’s policies and programs to address these issues, and suggest ways to improve their implementation.
  6. Discuss the impact of climate change on the Indian economy and society, and suggest measures to adapt to its effects and mitigate its causes.
  7. What are the key measures that the Government of India has taken to promote gender equality in India? Discuss the challenges that remain, and suggest ways to address them.
  8. Discuss the importance of education in economic development, and suggest ways to improve the quality of education in India.
  9. What are the key challenges facing the Indian agricultural sector, and suggest measures to improve its performance.
  10. Discuss the role of technology in promoting economic and social development in India, and suggest ways to bridge the digital divide.

These questions are designed to assess your understanding of the key economic and social issues facing India today, as well as your ability to think critically and propose solutions. When answering these questions, be sure to support your arguments with evidence from relevant sources.

Here are some additional tips for writing descriptive ESI answers:

  • Start by clearly understanding the question and identifying the key points that you need to address.
  • Organize your thoughts and ideas in a logical manner.
  • Use a clear and concise writing style, and avoid using jargon or technical language.
  • Support your arguments with evidence from relevant sources, such as government reports, academic studies, or news articles.
  • Proofread your answer carefully before submitting it.