Economic and Social Issues (ESI) Quiz 8 : For RBI Grade B 2020, NABARD Grade A 2020 June 19, 2020June 10, 2021 Please enter your email: 1. Internal economies arise in which condition? arise when there is expansion in an industry arise in an economy as it makes progress accrue to a firm when it expands its output arise when there is expansion in internal trade None of the above 2. The theory of distribution relates to which of the following? The distribution of assets The distribution of income The distribution of factor payments Equality in the distribution of income and wealth None of the above 3. The income elasticity of demand being greater than one, what is the commodity must be? Necessity Luxury An inferior Good None of these 4. The basic Regulatory of the Mutual Funds and stock markets in India? Government of India RBI SEBI Stock Exchange None of the above 5. Goods whose demand is proportional to price are called inferior goods Veblen goods normal goods exclusive goods None of the above 6. Which institution in India acts as ‘lender of the last resort’? Finance Ministry Reserve Bank of India Treasury Currency Printing Presses None of the above 7. The demand of a commodity is a direct demand but the demand of a factor of production is called a Crossed demand Joint demand Derived demand Independent demand None of the above 8. Which is the unemployment which exists in any economy due to people being in the process of moving from one job to another? Seasonal unemployment Cyclical unemployment Frictional unemployment Structural unemployment None of the above 9. What is the one of the main features of a free market economy? active state intervention public ownership of factors of production rationing and price control consumer’s sovereignty None of the above 10. As per 2011 census, the State in India with the largest rural population ? Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Punjab Uttar Pradesh None of the above Loading …