Edit the following Essay keeping in mind the usage of Grammar, Words, Syntax and Punctuation. As you submit, you will get the answer then and there and match your answer.:-
Climate change and its impact on Indian Agriculture
Climate change in simple terms mean change in natural chemical, physical and biological composition of atmosphere mainly drive by anthropogenic activities. Raising concentration of green house gases are the most prominent cause for it. All this results in increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters with time. Thus, every sector of economy would suffer from impact of climate change but agriculture would be the worst affected as it is a symbiotic relation with the climate of the earth.
Indian Agriculture is not exception of this scenario, the vulnerability of which is even more as still it is considered to be a gamble of monsoon. Decline in yield of most crops in range of 15 to 25% is forecasted by studies. Fluctuations in weather and rainfall patterns would cast uncertainty over agricultural output in India; hence trigger hunger and food security rises concern for the masses. There will be a decline in nutritive value of food grain like iron, protein, zinc etc. owing to climate change. Rising temperature causing melting of Himalayan glaciers which are the sources of water for Rivers in North India would witness a decline in their flow thus will threaten agricultural operation. Recent locust attack on standing crops in India is the manifestation of climate change only.
The climate change is a reality now. Since climate change is a global phenomenon which can’t be tackled at individual level, global cohesive and coordinated response are a sine quo non for tackling this demon of climate change.
Climate change and its impact on Indian Agriculture
Climate change in simple terms means a change in natural chemical, physical, and biological compositions of the atmosphere mainly driven by anthropogenic activities. The rising concentration of greenhouse gases is the most prominent cause of it. All these result in increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters with time. Thus, every sector of the economy would suffer from the impact of climate change but agriculture would be worst affected as it has a symbiotic relationship with the climate of the earth.
Indian Agriculture is no exception to this scenario, the vulnerability of which is even more as still it is considered to be a gamble of monsoon. A decline in the yield of most crops in the range from 15 to 25% is forecast by studies. Fluctuations in weather and rainfall patterns would cast uncertainty over agricultural output in India; hence triggering hunger and food security concerns for the masses. There will be a decline in the nutritive value of food grains like iron, protein, zinc, etc. owing to climate change. Rising temperature causing melting of Himalayan glaciers which are the sources of water for Rivers in North India would witness a decline in their flow thus threatening agricultural operations. Recent locust attack on standing crops in India is the manifestation of climate change only.
Climate change is a reality now. Since climate change is a global phenomenon that can’t be tackled at an individual level, global cohesive and coordinated response are a sine qua non for tackling this demon of climate change.