How to write a precis writing for ECGC PO 2023 | Descriptive English

Study Notes: How to Write Precis Writing

Precis writing is an essential skill that enables you to summarize a lengthy passage or text concisely while retaining its core ideas and maintaining coherence. Whether you’re a student preparing for exams or someone who needs to extract key information from a document, mastering the art of precis writing can significantly enhance your reading comprehension and communication abilities. Follow these guidelines to improve your precis writing skills:

  1. Understand the Purpose: Before starting to write a precis, grasp the objective of the passage. Identify whether it aims to inform, persuade, entertain, or present an argument. This understanding will help you retain the essential points and convey the author’s intention accurately.
  2. Read the Passage Thoroughly: Begin by reading the passage carefully, ensuring you comprehend its main theme, arguments, and supporting details. Take note of the central idea and the author’s tone, as they will influence your writing style.
  3. Identify the Key Points: Once you’ve read the passage, identify its main points and supporting arguments. Look for topic sentences, thesis statements, and any significant claims or evidence provided. These elements will serve as the foundation of your precis.
  4. Remove Unnecessary Details: Precis writing requires condensing the original text, so it’s crucial to eliminate any redundant or irrelevant information. Exclude examples, anecdotes, repetitions, and excessive explanations. Focus only on the most vital elements that contribute to the central idea.
  5. Retain the Logical Structure: While condensing the passage, maintain the logical order and coherence of the original text. Ensure that your precis reflects the organization and flow of the original, enabling readers to follow the author’s line of thought.
  6. Use Your Own Words: Precis writing involves expressing the author’s ideas in your own words while preserving the essence of the original text. Avoid directly quoting from the passage and instead rephrase the concepts, making sure to retain the author’s tone and meaning.
  7. Maintain Conciseness: Precis writing aims to convey information succinctly. Focus on brevity while retaining the essential elements. Be mindful of sentence structure and avoid unnecessary wordiness, while still ensuring clarity and coherence.
  8. Check for Accuracy: While condensing the passage, verify that you accurately convey the author’s ideas. Avoid adding your personal opinions or interpretations. Your precis should reflect the original text faithfully.
  9. Revise and Edit: After completing the first draft of your precis, review it for coherence, clarity, and accuracy. Ensure that the summary captures the main points of the passage without losing its intended meaning. Edit for grammar, punctuation, and style to enhance the overall quality of your writing.
  10. Practice Regularly: Precis writing improves with practice. Regularly attempt to summarize various types of passages, such as news articles, academic papers, or literary works. Analyze your own writing to identify areas of improvement and work on refining your skills.

By following these study notes and practicing precis writing regularly, you can develop the ability to succinctly summarize complex texts, enhancing your reading comprehension and communication skills.