Dear Aspirant of SBI, there is an English proverb, ‘An early bird always catches the worm’. The earlier you start preparing for the exam in a balanced way, the more chances are there for final selection. Never, commit a blunder of average aspirants, who think that they should first of all focus on the first phase of the examination. If their result is positive, then they should focus on the next phase. But, they get less time than required for sound preparation and fail to get at the final destination. So, rather focus on all the phases equally as only the winner is valued.
Keep it in mind, ‘Jo jeeta wahi sikandar’. So, try to be a Sikandar. Bankwizz is providing you with some highly important essay topics on which you should prepare properly. You’ll get the model answers to these essays in our paid courses along with descriptive English mocks available with evaluations by our experts within the least possible time so that you can analyse your answers properly before your curiosity of knowing the results cools down.
Now, note down the essay topics which are most likely to be asked in the examination.