Dear Aspirant,
We hope, you have poured your heart into the preparation for the second phase of the NABARD exam. As you know, the exam structure of this phase has changed. The weightage of the Descriptive Papers ESI, ARD, and English is 75%. Out of 200 marks, 150 marks have been allotted to these descriptive papers. So, friend, you can guess how sincerely you should take these papers for final selection. Taking these papers for granted means taking risks.
The preparation of the first phase is entirely based on the Objective Type pattern. It is close-ended in nature; nothing is predictable; however much you may have learnt from various sources, you do not feel confident which kind of questions are going to be asked and so the objective type preparation is tough enough. But, friend, you need to get through this phase to enter into the second phase. As you have entered the second phase, the real competition takes place. This is a scoring phase; the more you fetch marks, the more chances are there for final selection. Thus, there is no denying the fact that the quantity of energy that you put in the preparation determines whether you are going to get through this phase or not. Hence, never take any risk; never take this phase for granted.
Plus, its preparation has no end at all. The more you study, the less it is. But this is not the case with open-ended descriptive papers. You can guess what is going to be asked. You can write and fetch marks even if a little deviation takes place while dealing with the given answers, and so, the chances of fetching maximum marks in this phase are the highest as compared.