Objective English: Sentence Correction Quiz 8 for SBI, IBPS, RBI, NABARD, SEBI and Other Banking Exams June 28, 2020June 10, 2021 Objective Engish – Sentence Correction Please enter your email: 1. He came after I have done the work. before I had done the work after I had done the work after I did the work before I did the work No correction required. 2. She would have definitely been saved, if she had been taken to hospital in time. she would have been taken to hospital in time she would be taken to hospital in time she had been taken to the hospital in time she was taken to hospital in time No correction required. 3. What are needed are some of your paraphernalia and a turban to look priestly. what is needed are what needs are what are needed is what is needed is No correction required. 4. I hope that you will do the needful. do what the needful is do the needs do what are the needful do what is needed No correction required. 5. Despite being downright exhausted, she continued working which caused her illness. inspite of being downright exhausted despite downright exhausted despite being downright exhausting inspite of being too exhausted No correction required. 6. Not tolerating the trauma that she had had, she poisoned herself. she had been have she has been had she was had she had been had No correction required. 7. Getting no room in the bus, she managed travelling standing. she had managed travelling standing she managed travelling in the standing posture. she managed to travel standing she had managed to travel standing No correction required. 8. Since 1972, there has not been occurred any famine here. there had not been occurred there has not been occurring there is no occurrence of there has not occurred No correction required 9. It is high time that my son is getting prepared to go to school. my son was prepared my son is preparing my son got prepared my son has got prepared No correction required. 10. When his father had gone bankrupt, he had nothing to give his children but toils and tears. but to toil and tears but toil and tears except toils and tears except toiling and tears No correction required 11. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. Should be in want for a wife Must be for want of a wife Must be in need of a wife Is wanted by a wife No correction required. Loading …