Hello Friends,
Bank whizz welcomes you to this Platform which is student-friendly and informative. Friends, Grammatical Knowledge plays a vital role in fetching you good marks in your english section of bank exams. Your knowledge of Grammar is judged through various tools such as Detecting Common Errors, Improving Erroneous Sentences, Filling the gaps with appropriate Words with Grammatical Value and so on and so forth.
In this quiz series, you will learn how you can score well in the Section called Sentence Improvement. In Bank Exams, this section comprises questions with five options each whereas in other exams, four options are set. So, Bank Exams confuse you more by giving one extra option. By the way, Questions are questions. All questions are based on the same grammatical knowledge. Well, let’s look at the first problem of Sentence Improvement. The question is:

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1. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present in the party.


2. Although I calculate that he will be here any minute, I cannot wait much longer for him.


3. Although he was the most friendly of all present and different from the others, he hadn’t hardly any friends except me.


4. He doesn’t smoke, nor he drinks.


5. I avoid to take any risk.


6. I don’t like to be insulting by any Tom, Jack and Harry.


7. The doctor suggested that, I should stop smoking.


8. All your efforts will never stop you to put control on it.


9. Disappointed, he left making any further steps.


10. He hoped me to meet him soon.