OBJECTIVE ENGLISH – SENTENCE IMPROVEMENT QUIZ 27 for SBI, RRB, IBPS, RBI, SEBI, IRDA, NABARD & Other Bank Exams July 30, 2020June 10, 2021 Objective English | Sentence Improvement Please enter your email: 1. Print media is involved all the news clipping in paper. a) Is involving all b) Is all involved c) Involves all d) Involved all e) NCR 2. He paid him the money he had taken from him three years ago to marry off his daughter. a) Took b) Has taken c) Had had taken d) Had had e) NCR 3. He might reach the place of occurrence and so all people are approaching the place to see him a) Might have reached b) Could have reached c) Would reach d) May have reached e) NCR 4. Among all militant groups ‘hamara watan’ is the extreme. a) Between all militant groups b) Of all militant groups c) Of all other militant groups d) Among all other militant e) NCR 5. Cynics believe that a few people in the world are good. a) A few people of world b) Few people in the world c) The few people of the world d) Fewer people of the world e) NCR 6. The intelligence tests have questions based on figures as well as oral ones. a) And oral ones b) Besides oral ones c) Beside oral ones d) As well as verbal ones e) NCR 7. An alive dog is better than a dead time. a) A living dog b) A dog alive c) The dog living d) The dog which lives e) NCR 8. The outstanding furnished house is the centre of attractions for the comers. a) The house furnished outstanding b) The house furnished outstandingly c) The outstandingly furnishing house d) The outstandingly furnished house e) NCR 9. The political environment in the country is not conducive foreconomic reforms. a) Is not conductively for b) Is not conducive to c) has not been conducive for d) Has not conducive to e) NCR 10. After his death she is now feeling desolate. a) Is now felt desolate b) Has now felt desolate c) Now feels desolate d) Has now been feeling desolate e) NCR Loading …