It is to be noted that ‘Points speak louder than words; in other words, verbosity cannot serve the purpose and the efforts made may fall flat in fetching better marks. Hence, the contents have been made compact with points under suitable sub-headlines.
You are required to make practice the Contents twice or thrice so as to have excellent performance in the examination.
The Contents are just my guessed works; however, they will definitely develop in you insight galore to deal with the questions to be asked in the examination. Hope, you will enjoy reading the Contents. I convey my best wishes for an excellent score in the Examination.
The following contents will suffice:-
Writing an Essay is an entirely different skill. It requires:
- Descriptive Knowledge of various topics
- Sound Vocabulary (Words, Idioms/Phrases, One word Substitutions)
- Sound Knowledge of Current Affairs
- Good skill in data mining
- Healthy Thought Processing
- Strong Guidance
Descriptive Knowledge of Various Topics
Knowledge does not come about overnight. It is rather a prolonged process. A common mistake that most of the Aspirants of Competitive Exams commit is that they primarily focus on the preparation of the Objective Type Exams thinking that until and unless they have cracked the Preliminary Exam, it is almost futile to prepare for the Descriptive Paper. In fact, a strong preparation for the Descriptive Type Examination helps them prepare for even the Objective type Paper. In addition, the preparation for the Descriptive Paper requires a lot of time, energy, practice, and experience. The preparation time between the date of declaration of the Preliminary Exam and that of the Descriptive Paper Exam is too less to be fully prepared for the second phase of the Descriptive paper Exam. Hence, follow the following instructions:
- Go through the Editorials of the reputed News Papers (The Economic Times, The Hindu, Business Standard, etc.). Having gone through the contents of these newspapers, develop your analysis by conducting a Discussion Session among your friends or colleagues.
- Jot down some highly important memorable points of the content you have gone through.
- Extract data from the contents and note them down.
- You had better make a summary of what you have read.
Sound Vocabulary (Words, Idioms/Phrases, One word Substitutions)
Before any language, vocabulary came into existence. It is words that form phrases, a sentence, and then finally a particular expression or thought. Hence, the larger stock of vocabulary, the more flexibility of expression will be there.
We express ourselves quite well in our native language because of possessing a good stock of its vocabulary. In a similar way, possessing a good stock of the English vocabulary paves the way for writing an effective essay and précis. Hence, keep increasing its stock as much as possible.
Sound Knowledge of Current Affairs
The Essay Topics asked in the Examinations may be of two natures:
- The Essay Topics of the first nature are tradition-based such as ‘The problems of Unemployment in the country’, ‘Population Explosion’, ‘Dowry System’, ‘The scopes of Banking Industry in India’, ‘The Role of RBI, NABARD, SEBI’, ‘Problems of Farmers’, ‘The Rural Economy’, ‘The vagary of the Indian Monsoon’ and so on and so forth.
- The Essay Topics of the second nature are based on the events going on across the country and outside the country. What you have to do is to be quite familiar with such events with data. For this, keep in touch with some authentic news channels such as ‘DD News, Rajyasabha TV, Loksabha TV, and a few others as these channels provide you with government data and facts, which you have to use in your Essays. Plus, some authentic magazines such as Kurukshetra, Yojana, and a few others are suggestible for the purpose.
Good skill in data mining
Your Essay is not effective unless it is supplied with sufficient data. Supplying the relevant data shows your sincerity about the preparation. The essay written in this way deserves better marks.
Hence, whatever relevant you’re going through, jot down the data mentioned in them. Make a good collection of those under a headline. Once you’ve assembled all these, have a cursory look more often than not. In the examination hall, this habit of data mining will help you a tonne.
Healthy Thought Processing
Having followed all the above, now you need to have a healthy thought processing. In the examination hall, it so happens many a time that we know a lot about the given topic but where to start and how to start in limited words in limited time confuse us. In order to dispel such confusion, you need to write down all that you have read in your own way then and there and find out how well and effectively you can write on the same.
Plus, a healthy thought process involves:
- A proper Introduction to the Topic given
- A healthy body comprising facts and data with clarity of thought
- Advantages and Disadvantages (If needed)
- Suggestions or Measures (If needed)
- Conclusion
Note: Most Essays follow the above pattern.
Strong Guidance
Suppose that you have to cover a long distance and you’re fully new, will your journey be enjoyable; plus, can you assure yourself that your journey will lead to the desired destination?
A human being is always in need of some or other guidance throughout the journey of life. A good mentor/Guide will lead you to your cherished goal. Hence, avail yourself of strong guidance from a good mentor.
Do’s and Don’ts
Please, note the following ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’:-
- Your essay should be written in Simple Sentences. Avoid cumbersome words and sentences. Avoid verbosity.
- Your starting and ending must be forceful.
- Stop for a while to analyze the Topic given. Make a concrete strategy before jumping to writing the essay.
- Don’t deviate from the point, which sometimes happens in absence of points and strategy.
- Remain calm and composed in dealing with the essay you’re writing.
Hope, you’ve gone through all the above and followed them before you start writing an essay. Now, it’s time that we knew how you can write an essay in limited words in limited time.
Framing an Effective Essay
Dispel the Phobia of writing an Essay!
Just give answers to the questions asked and your Essay is ready.
Then why wait? Let, set, go!
Note: All questions are very short. So give full answers to the questions in your own words. You’ll find some answers to the questions for your convenience.
Just enjoy writing Essays!
Your first topic
- What is ‘Organic Farming’?
- Why are farmers, entrepreneurs, researchers, administrators, policy makers and consumers showing interest in organic farming?
- Does Organic Farming help restore the soil health, protect environment, enhance bio-diversity, sustain crop productivity and enhance farmers’ income?
Body (Detailed scenario of ‘Organic Farming’)
- How many countries are practicing ‘Organic Farming’? (179 countries in 50.9 million hectares of agricultural land (As per the data released in the year 2015)
- What is the position of India in producing organic products? (Out of 2.4 million organic producers, 5.85 lakhs are there in India itself-thus the highest)
- What is the total certified production (including cultivated and wild harvest area) under organic farming in India? (From 0.69 million tonnes in 2011-12 to 1.35 million tones in 2015-16-almost two fold increase in four years)
- How many organic products that India produce at present? (sugarcane, oil seeds, cereals & millets, cotton, pulses, medicinal plants, tea, fruits, spices, dry fruits, vegetables and coffee etc.)
- What are the government schemes to promote Organic Farming in India? (National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) in the 2001, National Centre of Organic Farming in Gaziabad UP in 2004) and eight regional centres of India), e-portal pgsindia-ncof.gov.in etc.)
- What are the schemes for promotion of Organic Farming in India? (National Mission for Sustainable Agriculure (NMSA), Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Mission for integrated Developoment of Horticulture (MIDH), National Mission on Oilseeds & Oil Palm (NMOOP), Network Project on Organic Farming of ICAR.
- How can you say that India has a lot of Scopes / opportunities of ‘Organic Farming’? (Biodiversity, Employment Opportunities in making vermicomposts, organic fertilizers, bio-fertilizers, organic pesticides)
- What are the challenges on the way to ‘Organic Farming in India’?
- Shortage of organic seeds.
- Lack of efficient marketing system from farmer to consumer.
- Lower crop yields in some cases.
- Low income during transition/ conversion period hinders the spread of organic farming.
- Non-availability of premium prices of organic products to the farmers.
- Lack of technology packages for varying crop, soil and climatic conditions. More research is needed to develop eco-friendly techniques for management of weeds, insect-pests and diseases in organic production systems.
- Limited availability of organic manures and biofertilizers.
- Complexities in certification processes, like, PGS (Participatory Guarantee System) and third party certification.
- Weak linkages among the organizations in the organic sector.
- Lack of infrastructure.
- High cost of certain inputs.
How can you conclude writing it?
Now take a look at some others as well so as to be familiar with this effective technique of Essay-writing:-
Now, let’s take an Essay topic:-
‘Will Recession hit India in near future?’
Memorable Points: At a glance
1. Introduction to Recession
2. Facts and Figures showing that India is likely to be hit by a Recession
3. Government Measures
4. Challenges
5. conclusion
Just keep giving the answers against all the questions asked:-
1. What is a Recession?
2. Cite facts and figures which will cause a Recession in India?
3. Have the Indian stocks plunged?
4. Have the economic activities gone down?
5. Has the employment generation mechanism stopped?
6. Has the GDP of the country come to a standstill or gone down?
7. Has the cut in bank rates failed to boost economic activities?
8. Is it due to global factors?
9. Have the global rating agencies lowered the Growth rate of the country?
10. Has any statement been passed against the Indian Economy by any organization of great repute either in the country or outside the country?
11. What are the measures being taken to avert this situation in the country?
12. What may be the challenges that may overtake the Economy?
13. What should be the conclusion?
Now, start giving answers to the questions given above. Finally, cohere all the answers and your Essay is ready. Isn’t is simple?
Note: However, the answers to the questions are not so simple. You will have to start collecting facts and data from different sources as we have dealt with at the outset.
We can conclude that we must develop the power of asking questions to the title of the Essay. Then assembling of all the answers will be the final essay.
Now, take some other Essay:-
‘Corona Virus is a product of Nature’s wrath’
Memorable points: at a glance
1. Introduction to the Title with a Quote
2. Facts and Events that show the wrath of nature
3. Measures to be taken to pacify the wrath of nature
4. conclusion
The following questions can form an effective essay of yours:
1. What is Corona Virus?
2. How and where is it originated?
3. What does the figure show as to its contaminating rate, and death tolls at present?
4. What does the WHO or UNESCO talk about this pandemic?
5. How can you say that the fierce outbreak of Corona Virus is a product of Nature’s wrath?
6. How can we appease nature?
7. What should be the measures to be taken to stop such virus from emerging?
8. How can you conclude it?
Now, what have you to do? Just arrange all your answers. Your Essay is ready. Isn’t is simple? Once, you’ve assembled all your answers, be prepared to submit your Answer on our Descriptive Online Mock Test Platform and get it reviewed. Bankwhizz assures you of excellent marks in this Section. Please, take advantage of all the facilities of ours.
Wishing you all the best!
Previous Essay Topics and Probable Essay Topics
Sample Essays
- Locust Invasion in India. Suggest Measures to tackle them.(paid)
- Discuss the roles and Functions of NABARD(paid)
- Suggest measures that can increase farmers’ income(paid)
- Artificial Intelligence technologies can be a game changer for the Agriculture Sector. Discuss the relevance of the statement.(paid)
- What are the benefits of Renewable Energy
- Corona Virus: Nature’s Wrath
- Farmers’ Income will double by 2022. Is it a mirage or a reality?
- Economic Slowdown in India
- Financial Inclusion
- Digital Empowerment/Digital Literary
- Pollution: A Menace
- Can India be a 5 Trillion Economy by 2024?
- India’s Chandrayan Mission-II: Its prospects
- Skill India Mission: Is it a Mirage or Reality?
- Was Mahatma Gandhi a Real Management Guru?
- Is Gandhism still relevant?
- GST (Goods and Services Tax)
- Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana
- Swacch Bharat Abhiyan/Clean India Movement
- Demonetization
- Making the Grand Indian PSB Mergers Work