RBI Grade B Essay Writing on Socio-economic Impact of COVID 19

RBI Descriptive Paper Essay Writing on Socio-economic impact of COVID19

Socio-economic Impact of COVID 19


COVID-19 which is said to have emerged from Wuhan (China) has caused a serious impact on almost every society of the earth. Owing to the problems caused by this particular health crisis all over the world, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared it as a global pandemic. Because of its rampant spread, countries were forced to stop international travelling as well as lock up themselves. Also, the lockdown has been recognised as the only method to contain the Corona Virus.
Amidst the lockdown in Indian society, social, educational, economic, political, agricultural, psychological issues have been noticed, which has created the devastating impact on the lives of the people.

Social Impact

Social-distancing is the only measure to control the influence of Covid-19 and it should be promoted but we need to see the impact of this pandemic on society how it has revived social discriminatory practices…..for full essay, kindly go for free trial and submit your essay for evaluation from our expert for free. Please click here.

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