A Comprehensive Guide to RBI Grade B Descriptive ESI Exam Questions 2022


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) conducts the Grade B exam every year for recruiting officers in its various departments. The Economic and Social Issues (ESI) section is an important part of the exam. The ESI section consists of both objective and descriptive questions. In this post, we will discuss the descriptive ESI questions asked in the RBI Grade B mains exam 2022.

15 Marks Questions:

Q1. The 15th Financial Commission has made several recommendations regarding horizontal and vertical devolution from the center to the state. Discuss these recommendations and their implications.

Q2. Poverty measurement is an important aspect of the economic development of any country. Discuss the different ways to measure poverty and how they are related to three aspects, namely the inflation index, consumer basket, and per capita income.

Q3. Globalization has been an important aspect of the world economy since the 1990s. However, the 2008 financial crisis has had a significant impact on globalization. Discuss the changes in globalization after the 2008 financial crisis.

10 Marks Questions:

Q1. The government has announced several disinvestment measures in the budget for 2021-22. Discuss these measures and their impact.

Q2. India has made a commitment to achieve global climate change goals. Discuss India’s commitment to global climate change with respect to health and socio-economic development.

Q3. Demographic transition has an important role in economic growth. Discuss the influence of demographic transition on economic growth with reference to India.


The RBI Grade B exam is a highly competitive exam, and candidates must be well-prepared to crack it. The ESI section is an important part of the exam, and candidates should focus on both objective and descriptive questions. The above-mentioned questions are just a few examples of the types of questions asked in the exam. Candidates should prepare thoroughly and keep themselves updated with the latest developments in the economy and society. Good luck with your preparations!