The first paper is of Descriptive English Paper carrying 100 marks and the second paper of this phase comprises two sections – ESI and ARD. These two sections too, carry 100 marks for Objective type questions and descriptive-type questions. Both have equal weightage with 50 marks each. You will have 6 descriptive-type questions to be attempted, only 4 out of them. Thus you notice that in the second phase of the NABARD Grade A exam, the weightage of the descriptive type questions including English is the highest. Out of 200 marks, 150 marks have been allotted to this type of question. Hence, you are required to make your strategy accordingly. Your strategy for the preparation of the first phase of this exam will fail to deliver goods. Then the question arises, how you should make your strategy to score maximum in this second phase. But, friend, please, do not wait for the result even if you expect poor marks and have bleak chances to get through this exam. Friend, you must bear in mind that knowledge never goes in vain. The knowledge that you will gain while preparing for the second phase will deliver goods in all other exams of this kind.
You should know what the strategy for all four sections should be. The Descriptive Paper is always open-ended in nature, and so you can write answers according to your knowledge, and choice. You will have options and out of those options, you have a choice to choose the one you feel convenient with. No set rules are applied to such questions. What you need to do is to write your answers keeping in mind the word and time limit. The quality of your answers depends on how much knowledge you have about the chosen topic, and how you’re skilled in framing your knowledge in text form with relevant facts and data. Hence, take a little pause to pick and choose the essay title to be written on in the exam.
Suppose, you have four topics:
1. Emerging India in mobile manufacturing
2. Declining human values in Education
3. Is crypto-currency the future currency of the world?
4. Women reservation in politics
These are the four essay topics. Now, I tell you how you can make the best choice. Take a little time for the purpose. Out of these four essay topics, the two topics- the first and the last one- are based on current affairs, and require sound knowledge. If you have a little knowledge about them, don’t take risks in writing about them. In addition, these two topics require relevant facts and data for effective elaboration. But the other two seem easier. If we talk about ‘Women Reservation in politics, you can elaborate on it as it is a very traditional topic. You can write on it to the required word limit, even if you do not have recent facts and data, showing how women’s reservation in politics has increased women’s contribution to nation-building.
The other essay topic- Declining human values in education- is much easier, as it does not require data. If you know what exactly human values are and how these values have a key role in building a better and civilized society to live in, you can elaborate on it quite effectively and fetch maximum marks.
This is all about choosing the best option to write on. In all cases, first, you need is to obtain varied kinds of knowledge, and knowledge cannot be gained overnight. It is rather a gradual process. You need to keep gaining descriptive types of knowledge from reputed journals, in which big blog writers or editors give vent to their views on some particular socio-economic issues. You should watch Rajsabha and Loksabha TV channels for quality discussions and debates by experts. Yojana in Hindi and Kurukshetra in English are recommended for this purpose.
This is all about how you should gain knowledge to feel convenient with the essay topics likely to be asked in the exam. Now, you should learn the next important thing to develop to obtain maximum marks in the essay section. It is nothing else but quality writing skills, which develop with regular practice. These days, diary writing has been replaced with blog writing. You get many platforms where you can register yourself for free for blog-writing. I think ‘Quora’ is the best platform for it. just try. It will have a lot of benefits. What you need to do is to give answers to the questions of the audience.
Now again a question arises on how you can develop writing skills. Besides sound knowledge, quality writing is required. You must know how to frame your knowledge in text form. For this, you require a sound knowledge of grammar. You must know how to synthesize and analyze your sentences, as these two skills will develop in you how to frame sentences of your choice with effectiveness. As you have finished writing an answer, please revise it and find out whether any mistake is left. But you can revise the answer if you have enough time left for the purpose. In order to save time for quick revision, you need to practice more and more on a virtual platform that should have a similar interface to that of the actual exam.
Once all your answers are finished, you need to evaluate them by some experts, who really take your career seriously; who really wish to spare enough time for the purpose; who evaluate your answers as early as possible, as obtaining late evaluation means throwing a cold blanket on your curiosity to know the mistakes and improvements.
Bankwhizz solves all such problems that you may face in connection with the Descriptive English section.
1. We provide you with model essays, précis, comprehension, and letters
2. We provide you with an actual interface for descriptive mocks.
3. We provide you with evaluations of your answers within hours on your dashboard.
4. We provide you with two means of communication with the evaluators – one in text form, and the other via two-way communications. So, there is no gap between the examinee and the evaluators.
5. Plus, we provide you with a free mock with its evaluation absolutely for free so that you may learn how we help you prepare for the exam.
Wish you all the best!