Does your platform provide ‘FM’ and ‘ESI’ mocks too?
Our platform provides you with a set of many important questions on FM and ESI for practice for free.
Whether Interface for the mocks is similar to that of the actual exam?
You will have similar kind of feeling while attempting the mocks on our Interface. ‘Timer’, ‘Word-counter’ and the other are available. For more details, attempt the mocks already available for free.
Can I talk to your expert team members before purchase?
With the fast increasing trend of Online-education, online fraud has also increased proportionally. So, we understand your concern. Before you purchase our course, please, go through the articles available on the site and watch the videos by our experts. Even if you’re not convinced, you can talk to our expert freely before purchase.
Who will be the expert for evaluation?
Anandam Sir and his team will be there for quality evaluation.
How many packages do you launch for each exam?
Generally, we launch four packages for each exam: Free Package, Silver Package, Gold Package, and Diamond Package.
Do the Essay Topics provided by you match?
Our Essays are totally based on current events. In addition, our expert team keeps updating all these even till the exam. We feel happy to say that in previous exams (NABARD, SEBI, SBI, etc.), the essay topics were asked from our ‘Fodder Materials’.
How do you help us prepare better for the exam?
We are specialized in ‘Descriptive English preparation and so we provide you with quality assistance regarding any section of this paper. We have 40+ model essays and ample exercises on Precis and Reading Comprehension with their sample answers. You need not go on for tedious hunt for essays, precis, and RC for your exams.
Is there any fixed time to talk to your expert?
We provide two means so as to communicate properly with our experts. On your dashboard, there is a special provision ‘Ask doubts from experts’. You will get almost instant feedback from our experts. You can also talk to our experts on the phone about the doubts.
Are you available even on Sundays?
Yes, we are available even on Sundays; however, a few limitations may be there.
Within how much time will you provide the evaluation?
We try our level best to provide your answer in 24 hours’ time.
How will you provide evaluation of the submitted mock test answers?
We provide the evaluated answers just beside the attempted test on your dashboard so that you may feel convenient for self-evaluation then and there.
Does the Evaluation take place manually or it is AI based?
The ‘Evaluation’ takes place manually as well as with the help of Artificial Intelligence so that nothing may escape. In fact, a 360-degree evaluation takes place from our side.
On which parameters are the descriptive English paper evaluated?
There are various parameters for the evaluation of your answers depending on the nature of the questions. The parameters on which an essay is evaluated are ‘Clarity of Expression & Preciseness’, ‘Command over Language’, ‘Facts and Figures’, and ‘Arrangement of Thoughts’. For Precis and Comprehension, some other parameters are employed for proper evaluation.
What is the validity of the Course package?
The Course Package is valid till the exam date.