Dear Aspirant,
The RBI Grade B Phase I result is out and hope, you have got qualified for the second phase.
Now, friend, the time that you have got for the preparation for the second phase is very less. So, you need to have proper strategy for this phase accordingly. Friend, you know that in the second phase, the questions based on ESI and FM are both Objective and Subjective in nature. As far as the distribution of marks is concerned both kinds of questions will have equal weightage, that is for Objective Type Questions, 50 marks have been allotted and for Subjective Type Questions, 50 marks have been allotted. The number of Questions to be attempted in Subjective Type Questions in ESI and FM will be 4 out of which 2 will be of 15 marks each and the rest 2 will be of 10 marks each.
I do know that you won’t have a lot of problems in preparing for objective type questions for ESI and FM papers; but as far as the Subjective Type Questions are concerned, you need to pay proper attention. Since, you started preparing for the exam, you had been doing preparation on Objective Type Questions and so you may not be having Subjective Type Preparation for these two papers. But, don’t worry! Bankwhizz, has a set of highly important ESI and FM Questions for practice for free. Just pay a visit to our website www.bankwhizz.com and avail yourself of practice on the subjective knowledge of ESI and FM fully free on the similar interface as will be there in the actual exam. Apart from ESI and FM, one more paper is there. It is Descriptive English Paper. You are already mentally prepared on attempting three sections – Essay, Precis and Comphrehension, which will carry 100 marks. Friend, this paper will require a lot of effort and without paying proper heed to this paper means you’re losing your opportunity. Bankwhizz, provides you with full exclusive package for Descriptive English at highly affordable prices with sufficient number of Mocks on similar interface and thus making you fully comfortable with the pressure that arise in the examination hall. You get more than 40 model essays and Precis and RC with sample answers so as to fetch maximum marks in the exam.
Thus, friend, Bankwhizz provides you with a comfortable zone for the Subjective or Descriptive Type preparation for ESI, FM and English. Hence, make your strategy right now. Don’t get delayed in doing so. Bankwhizz wishes you all the best!