Dear Aspirant,
Nothing can be achieved overnight. Your incessant toils to the right direction can serve the purpose. The bigger the goal is the more efforts you will have to make. To get finally selected in regulatory body exams is just like cutting the Gordian knot as you have a giant syllabus to cover. All your efforts without any proper strategy will fail to yield any result.
The Descriptive English Paper may comprise Essay, Letter/Report, Précis and Comprehension. In some regulatory body examinations, the Letter/Report Writing Section is not set. However, all these sections expect you to have sound writing skills. But the matter is how you can improve such skills so as to fetch better marks.
Please, focus on the following key-areas to enhance your excellent writing skill:-
- Possess sound grammatical knowledge.
- Read a lot, listen a lot and analyze a lot.
- Develop the habit of writing on a regular basis.
- Keep in touch with a good mentor who can judge your writing skill because without a mentor, you won’t be able to judge yourself properly.
Bankwhizz provides you with Comprehensive Fodder Materials consisting of section-wise and full-length mocks very similar to the interface of the actual exams, Self-evaluation Mocks, Model Answers, and a special set of fodder materials useful for good writing skill.