The National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) conducts Grade A and Grade B examination. Both have Descriptive Paper English as a common paper in their mains. This paper is of 100 Marks comprising Essay Writing, Precis Writing, Comprehension and Letter or Report Writing which are to be submitted online via the keyboard in 90 minutes.
In the Essay Writing, the following topics deserve your attention:-
In the essay writing section, five questions will be asked out of which any one must be answered. The word limit for the essay is 200-250 Words. The topics are related to Economics or Agriculture.
- It is an irony that 61.5% of India’s population depends on agriculture as per the Census-2011 but this sector contributes only 17.32% to the GDP. Give your views on how India can be self-reliant in the Agriculture Sector?
- The slogan ‘Vocal for Local’ popularized by PM Shri Narendra Modi will make India self-reliant. Explore the challenges on its way.
- Concerned with the plight of farmers, the Government of India made a clarion call for doubling farmers’ income by 2022 and devised a sound roadmap to achieve the target. Write in brief about the roadmap that the government has made.
- The Lockdown in the country forced the labourers from Bihar and Jharkhand to their homes. Now that there has arisen before them the question of livelihood. Write in brief what the government is doing in managing the skill of such labourers taking reference to the Yogi Model.
- The Challenges before India after the depletion of 59 China Apps
- The other co-operatives of India are not as successful as AMUL in India – the largest Indian Co-operative contributing 22% to the agricultural GDP of the country. Based on the co-operative system, other areas of Agriculture should be promoted. Suggest your ideas.
- The promotion of Agriculture along with the protection of the environment is a major challenge. How can the Integrated Farming be a most suitable idea in this connection?
- Can the Commercialization of Agriculture help the Indian Farmers earn double? Shed light on it.
- Small and fragmented land-holdings decrease agricultural production considerably. Give your views on how it takes place and what should be the measures to be taken in this regard.
- Roles of NABARD in the uplift of Indian Agriculture.
- Is it feasible to double the farmers’ income by 2022?
Other highly important topics:
- Soil erosion and water conservation
- Farmers Loan must be looked upon as a good investment.
- Fisheries and forestry
- Alternative Sources of Energy
- Market Access to rural handicrafts.
- Contribution of handicrafts and textile sector in the economic growth of India
- Women and Handloom sector
- Skill development for craftsmanship in India
- Doubling farmers income by 2022 – A dream or reality
- How Skill India campaign is changing the lives of Indian youth.
- Universal Health Insurance – India’s plans and progress
- Financial inclusion for economic security
- The interdependence of Infrastructure and rural transformation
- Maternal healthcare – Indian policies and programmes
- Progress of Rural Electrification Programmes in India
- Rural Youth empowerment – Initiatives of Indian Government
- How to sustain youth in agriculture and its allied activities
- Climate change scenario – Is India prepared?
- How can India strengthen its financial system?
- Women power and how to utilize it for economic development.
- Digital India – Are Indians ready for it?
- Demographic trends
- Inflation
- Discuss the pros and cons of the merger of public sector banks in India
- Nature of the Indian economy
- Other important topics for this section include:
- Discuss the national health policy of India
- India’s emerging role in the United Nations
- What improved India’s rank in Ease of Doing Business?
- Review India’s foreign trade policy.
- Labour Reforms in India
- Child Development Programmes in India
- Jan-Dhan Yojana and Minimum Balance Penalty – How will it work?
- Relationship between SWIFT Code and Core Banking Solution
- Why did the Government decide to bear Merchant Discount Rate?
- Employment Generation Programmes in India
- Education in India
- How can India improve its ranking in the Human Development Index?
- Adhaar-Pan link – Why is it so important?
- Steps taken by the government to tackle NPA
- Unlimited Mobile Internet – Is it a reason for unemployment?
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