Dear Aspirant,
The long-awaited RBI Grade B recruitment-2020-21 has come out. The number of vacancies declared is quite enough for a sincere candidate. Dedicate some precious time to the making of a concrete strategy which will win laurels for you for sure.
Please, bear in mind that the gap between the First and the Second Phase of the examination is not more than a month. So, you have ample time for the preparation of the First Phase of the examination, but so far as the Second Phase of the examination is concerned, you have not enough time. Hence, make your strategy keeping the paucity of time in mind. Please, bear in mind the following key points, which may help you make a concrete strategy for the exam:
- Don’t make your daily routine for studies lopsided. It must be balanced. Ignoring any paper or any section may mar the positive result.
- If you are an aspirant dedicated fully to the preparation, it is the high time that you grabbed the opportunity. Be a voracious and perseverant reader, learner, analyzer and attempter of innumerous practices.
- Remain under guidance of your mentor(s) you like most.
- Just give the best input; you’ll get the best output. Never make excuses. Be honest to your studies. Avoid putting off any good thing till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Once you have already taken the exam, don’t wait for the result. Keep preparing for the next phase irrespective of the positive or negative result. You must be committed to doing actions. The results must come out to be positive.
- Your continuous effort will make a mountain of knowledge. It doesn’t matter how bright and strong your academic career has been; it matters how hard-working, perseverant and honest you are.
Get, set, go! Keep cherishing your goal.