sample letter writing for sbi po exam
Dear Friend,
Keep in mind the following things before you switch to writing a letter:
- Start a letter going straight downwards without leaving any space on the left margin.
- Change the paragraph leaving one line-space.
- While writing any Formal letter, keep yourself to the point. Better start abruptly and end abruptly. This will keep you to the point. The examiner will feel convenient to get to the theme of your letter. Avoid maintaining too much formality.
- While writing any Informal letter, just start writing it keeping in mind the fact the you are causing the reader to feel your presence through the letter; in other words, the reader should read the letter as if he were talking to you.
- Always keep in mind the purpose of writing the letter and just ask yourself whether the letter will fulfil your purpose.
Look at the Format
Place – XXXX
Date – XXXX
Subject: _______ (to be given only in Formal Letters) __________
Sir, / Dear ….,
(One-line space)
Yours ……
Sample Paper (Informal)
A letter to your friend inviting him to the marriage of your sister
Place – XXXX
Date – XXXX
My Dearest Rohit,
You will be glad to know that Ranjana (my sister) whom we lovingly call Ranju is going to be tied with the nuptial knot on February 3, 2010. The marriage will take place in the town itself. You are cordially invited to attend the marriage festivities. This is just advance information; the detailed programme will be conveyed through the marriage card which will be sent shortly.
All arrangements would be made to make your stay comfortable. It would be our pleasure to have you all Uncle, Aunt and Rucha with us.
My regards to everyone in the family
Sincerely yours,
Sample Paper (Formal)
A letter to the Editor expressing concern over global warming
The Editor
The Times of India, Delhi.
Date: XXXX
Sub: Expressing concern over global warming
The steady increase in CO2 level has led to a rise in global temperatures. If one looks at the graph given above, one observes that from 2001 to 2009, the CO2 levels have constantly been going up due to fast increasing industrialization globally and thus adding to the temperature one degree Celsius per year. With this increase, the sea level is also increasing, causing panic among the people living in the coastal areas.
Many meetings are held every year with a view to putting pressure on the countries most responsible for the carbon emission but to no effect. Many countries are unwilling to abide by the Kyoto Protocol. The Cop-summit held at the end of the year 2009, also produced no result due to the selfishness of some countries.
The earth is ours; hence, it is the duty not only of any individual country but also of all countries to cut down carbon emissions. Where there is no earth, there will not be any living existence. Hence, ironing out all differences, all countries of the world should come on the common platform to discuss this grave matter with seriousness following concrete steps to cut down those emissions which cause Global Warming.
Yours faithfully,
sample letter writing for sbi po exam