SBI PO – 2013 (in various shifts)
Write an argumentative essay in about 250 words on any one of the following:-
- Women Entrepreneurs in India
- Importance of Investment
- Essay on SME
- Banks play a vital role in day to day life
- Entrance Exam – An evil
- Pros n cons of winning lottery
- Women Bill
- Women security at the workplace a deep concern
- Inclusive growth
- Cottage Industries
- Socialism
- Blessings of science
- Dowry deaths
- My Motherland
- Banks are manufacture of money’’
- Features of economic recession.
- A day when everything went wrong.
- The risks of trading at the stock market
- The impact of interest rate changes on the economy.
- Responsibility of media in moulding public opinion.
SBI PO – 2014
Write an argumentative essay in about 250 words on any one of the following:-
- How Education for economics can be put into college?
- Is election commission right in banning election symbols during casting of votes?
- Roll of uneducated people in Indian Economy
SBI PO – 2015
Write an argumentative essay in about 250 words on any one of the following:-
- One Rank One Pension – Pros & Cons of its implementation.
- E-Commerce – An Ethical Problems.
- India’s Dependence on Monsoon
SBI PO – 2016
Write an argumentative essay in about 300 words on any one of the following:-
- Essay on effect of Pokemon Go
- Essay on positive effects of Hike in salary of an employee on economy
- Essay on importance of History of nation.
SBI PO – 2017
Write an argumentative essay in about 150 words on any one of the following:-
- Write an essay on the positive and negative impact of technology.
- Write an essay on effect of social media and its consequences on our population.
SBI PO – 2018
Write an argumentative essay in about 150 words on any one of the following:-
- Based on Bitcoin
- Based on Monsoon
- Based on Projects and Assignments
SBI PO – 2019
- Digital Literacy
- E-commerce impact on traditional business
- Precaution to be used while using online banking.