Every year, thousands of applicants write the SEBI Grade A exam. Of these, only a few are qualified to write the exam and be appointed. As the SEBI Grade A exam is now computerized, the descriptive test is always verified offline.
Every year, thousands of applicants write the SEBI Grade A exam. Of these, only a few are qualified to write the exam and be appointed. As the SEBI Grade A exam is now computerized, the descriptive test is always verified offline.
Write an argumentative essay on “Biased Media is a real threat to India. Do you agree?” in 200 words. (There will be around 5 topics in the actual exam and you would require to write on any one of them.) *
Write an argumentative essay on “Virtual meetings and its challenges” in 200 words. (There will be around 5 topics in the actual exam and you would require to write on any one of them.) *
How do we prepare you for descriptive English in various Stages to obtain 70%+ score in this section?
Only collecting and memorizing points on different essay topics will not help you write effectively rather you need to practice writing on important essay topics on a regular basis keeping in mind time and word-limit as allotted to you in the actual exam.
To fetch 70 + score in Descriptive English is not a difficult task provided that you prepare for it in the right direction under the proper guidance and at the same time on the platform which should be similar to that of the actual exam. Bankwhizz makes everything easy.
The long-awaited RBI Grade B recruitment-2020-21 has come out. The number of vacancies declared is quite enough for a sincere candidate. Dedicate some precious time to the making of a concrete strategy which will win laurels for you for sure.
Dear SEBI Grade A aspirant,
To fetch 70 + score in Descriptive English is not a difficult task provided that you prepare for it in the right direction under the proper guidance and at the same time on the platform which should be similar to that of the actual exam. Bankwhizz makes everything easy.
Don’t start writing the final précis as soon as you come across the passage. Stop being panicky. You have enough time to write a précis; however, do more and more practices on it for time management.
Do you fear writing a Précis for the given passage in your Exam? If yes, these materials are for you. Go through these with a little effort. You’ll find yourself confident in this Section.