Precis Writing is part of the SEBI Grade A descriptive English paper. In this tutorial, we will discuss at length how to process the writing of precis. The important points which must be kept in mind when writing a precis, the things to do and not to do, followed by a few examples of precis writing examples and questions.
Before we move on to other attributes of precis writing, let’s first discuss what precis writing is and what candidates are expected to do with a question based on it.
What does Precis Writing mean?
Precis’ writing sums up an understanding in limited words, covering all important aspects and details of the given passage.
Precis Writing Rules To avoid making mistakes in writing a precis, follow a set of rules as outlined below: .
1. Read comprehension thoroughly .
2. Write out the important points.
3. Write an outline of the precis.
4. Use plain and precise language wherever possible.
5. Complete the final precis once all points are included.
Do’s and Don’t’s in Precis Writing .
Every year, thousands of applicants write the SEBI Grade A exam. Of these, only a few are qualified to write the exam and be appointed. As the SEBI Grade A exam is now computerized, the descriptive test is always verified offline.
Candidates should know that with thousands of entries that must be checked, there are some quick points that the examiner searches for and that can get maximum points for your precis writing. Based on the same information, listed below are some things to do and not to do, which a candidate needs to understand before starting to write a precis.
Do’s for Precis Writing
• Begin with the basic idea of the passage so that precis is easy to read.
• Provide a clear picture of what you are about to read.
• When reading the passage, write down all significant points and include them in the precis.
• Follow the main idea of moving with facts/improvement points/methods, etc. as stated in the passage
• Include all key words and relevant terms used in the passage.
• Keep a record of the tenses you use. Data pertaining to historical events of the past should be described in the past only.
• There should be a relationship between the data you write on the precis. There should be common relationships.
Don’ts for Precis Writing
• The length of the precis should be 1/3 of the length of the passage.
• Avoid too much detail and use simple vocabulary.
• Do not assume or add information to precis depending on your own imagination.
• Do not comment or criticize your own understanding.
• Be careful not to use abbreviations.