ARD NABARD MAINS 2020 QUIZ 9 : CHAPTER FISHERIES June 24, 2020June 10, 2021 CHAPTER: FISHERIES Please enter your email: 1. The species of mackerel found rarely along the southeast coast is Rastrelliger kanagurta Rastrelliger brachysoma Rastrelliger faughnii Any of the above All of the above 2. The dominant species of ribbon fish occurring in the ribbon fish landings is Trichiurus lepturus Trichiurus russeli Lepturocanthus savala Lepturocanthus gangeticus None of the above 3. Leatherjackets are included in following group of fishes Carangids Sciaenids Whitebaits Threadfin breams None of the above 4. Scientific name if short neck clam is Paphia malabarica apes brugueiri Perna viridis Meretrix casta None of the above 5. The example of deep sea shrimp is Metapenaeopsis jerryi Aristeus alcocki Penaeopsis jerryi All of the above None of the above 6. India has got an EEZ of 2.02 m 2.05 2.0 m 2.1 m sq. km None of the above 7. . ………………….net is popularly used to exploit the Bombay duck along northwest coast of India. Disco net Rampani Long line None of the above All of the above 8. The Indian marine fisheries sector is characterized by……………….. Multigear fisheries Multispecies fisheries Multigear & multispecies fisheries None of the above Any of the above 9. . ………….. have got well developed swim bladders Sciaenids Flying fishes Half beaks Whitebaits None of the above 10. …………… state has got highest standing crop of seaweeds in India Gujarat Tamil Nadu Maharashtra Odisha None of the above Loading …