Kindly go through the previous year trend of IB ACIO Tier 2.
On February 25, 2018, IB ACIO Tier-2 took place. The highlights of the exam are as follows:

Kindly go through the previous year trend of IB ACIO Tier 2.
On February 25, 2018, IB ACIO Tier-2 took place. The highlights of the exam are as follows:
bankwhizz पूरी तरह से competitive exams के descriptive english paper पर ही focus करती है, उसके लिए holistic तैयारी करवाती है. IB के इस tier-II के लिए अलग अलग कोर्स packages available है जो affordable और effective है.
India is the 5th largest life insurance market in the emerging insurance economies in the world. It is growing at a healthy rate
The descriptive section in English focuses on writing skill rather than knowledge. So instead of just focusing on picking up points on different writing topics, you have to practice regularly on a virtual platform that has to be similar to the actual exam.
The descriptive section in English focuses on writing skill rather than knowledge. So instead of just focusing on picking up points on different writing topics, you have to practice regularly on a virtual platform that has to be similar to the actual exam.
Write an essay in English language only on “Naxal Attacks: Problems and Solutions“ in 400 words. (In the actual exam you would be provided with 3 essay topics and you would need to write on any one of those.) *
Bankwhizz issues highly important Essay Topics for all regulatory body exams including IB ACIO, SBI PO, IBPS PO, ECGC PO, GIC and the other for better preparation for the Descriptive English Paper Exam. Our perfect guess eases the preparation of the aspirants.
That more and more FDIs can be infused into the Insurance sector, the Rajya Sabha permitted 74% FDIs in this sector on 18th March 2021. Previously the FDI limit was 49%. Permitting this investment in this sector means giving a foreign company the right to appoint a majority of directors and control the management system. It will directly influence the policy
You will have to prepare well on almost all kinds of Topics. (Bankwhizz provides you a variety of highly important articles selected by our expert team)