Dear Aspirant,
There is no denying the fact that ‘Self-study’ is the best study. In self-study, the aspirants keep on trying until and unless a concept however complex it may be becomes clear. In the process, they use different kinds of sources (offline or online or both) and learn various ways to understand them. They prepare the given subject on their own irrespective of the time to be invested. They, gain deep knowledge to such an extent that they can even teach. But, ‘Self-study’ has some major concerns which must be noted well.
- This kind of study is rather time-taking as the learners keep on trying to hammer home the given subject until it is fully absorbed. They cope with all kinds of difficulties themselves without taking help from an expert.
- This kind of study has no end. The aspirants go on studying everything of the syllabus in detail with the fear lest anything important is left out. On the other hand, if self-study is carried out under the tutelage of some expert, the learners feel it easier to complete the entire syllabus within the stipulated time. The learners succeed in doing it by taking advantage of the experience of the expert.
- The learners of this kind of study are very much likely to be distracted by the plethora of materials as recommended in the syllabus. Without proper guidance from experts, they fail to judge which chapter is to be focused on more for better marks keeping in mind ‘time and word management’ in the actual examination.
- The learners of self-study fail to assess whether their studies are moving on the right track leading to their cherished goal; whether their descriptive answers are marks-fetching and how much marks their answers deserve and so on and so forth.
There is no substitute for ‘Self-study’ provided that it is carried out under some necessary guidance from experts.
Wishing you all the best,