Dear Aspirant,
Hope, you have fared well in the Descriptive English Paper for GIC 2021 Phase – II Exam held on August 28 & 29, 2021 as almost everything was predictable.
We expect you to share your experience about the exam.
(Note: The feedbacks from different aspirants will be displayed here. It will help you and others make a concrete strategy for the coming exams.)
- What did you feel as you glanced over the questions on the screen?
- Which section did you choose first and why?
- Out of four essay topics, which seemed to you the easiest to deal with?
- In how many words did you write your essay?
- What was the word-limit of the précis?
- On which subject matter was the passage for Precis?
- Could you provide a suitable title the précis and frame it within the word-limit?
- What was the difficulty that you faced while writing the précis?
- What was passage all about and whether you were familiar with it or totally it was new to you?
- How much long was the passage?
- How many questions were set in it?
- In how many words did you answer the questions given?
- What is your overall experience?