Letter writing
Dear Aspirant,
Communication means sharing of information or intelligence. We employ two mediums of communication:
(a) Verbal and
(b) Non-verbal
In Verbal Communication, we use a language that we know. And a good verbal communicator has the following qualities:
1. S/He keeps good command over words and their usage
2. S/He keeps good command over the English Grammar
3. S/He listens a lot but speaks only the essential
4. S/He has sound analytical power to analyze any particular situation
5. S/He has potential to process his thought
If you are good at writing Articles, Essays, Letters, Editorials and the other, it means you’re a good verbal communicator.
Note: In Non-verbal Communication, we use our gestures and postures.
Now, let’s discuss the kinds of Letters. Broadly speaking, letters are of two types:
(a) Formal Letters and
(b) Informal Letters
Formal Letters
Please, keep in mind the following things before you switch to writing a letter:
(a) Start a letter going straight downwards without leaving any space on the left margin.
(b) Change the paragraph leaving one line-space.
(c) While writing any Formal letter, keep yourself to the point. Better start abruptly and end abruptly. This will keep you to the point. The examiner will feel convenient to get to the theme of your letter. Avoid maintaining too much formality.
(d) While writing any Informal letter, just start writing it keeping in mind the fact the you are causing the reader to feel your presence through the letter; in other words, the reader should read the letter as if he were talking to you.
(e) Always keep in mind the purpose of writing the letter and just ask yourself whether the letter will fulfil your purpose.
Look at the Format:
Place: XXX
Address: XXX
April 6, 2020.
Subject: _______ (to be given only in Formal Letters) __________
(One-line space)
Yours ……
Sample Formal Letter
Write a letter to the Chairman of Your Municipality, complaining of the insanitary condition of the locality in which you live and asking him to take the necessary steps in the matter
8th April, 2020.
The Chairman,
Public Health Committee,
The Municipality Corporation, Delhi
Subject: About Bad Insanitary Condition
I am sorry to say that the Municipal area called XYZ is undergoing hellish situation owing to bad sanitary condition.
There are very few drains here and those that exist are not regularly cleaned or flushed with water. As very few dustbins have been provided, the residents throw the domestic waste on the street and thus making the situation worse to walk along. Because of blockage of drains due to filth, dirty water runs on the street making it muddy enough. The condition of the street is also not good; it is broken from several parts where dirty water accumulates. Riding and driving become very difficult and are likely to cause accidents.
The heaps of garbage attract flies galore. The ditches containing dirty water are the breeding parts of mosquitoes and flies which cause Cholera, Typhoid and the other.
The rainy season is very close. If this hellish situation is not improved, some epidemic may break out and the department will solely responsible for it.
Hence, before it is too late, do take the necessary measures.
Yours faithfully
On behalf of XYZ
Informal Letters
An Informal Letter is that which is written to one’s Father, Mother, Uncle, Sister, Brother, Friends or to those who are our Dear Ones. In such letters, strict formalities are not maintained.
Let’s get started:
Keep in mind the following things before you switch to writing a letter:
First of all:
(a) Start a letter going straight downwards without leaving any space on the left margin. This is called the Computer Formatted Letter to be submitted online in your Main exam.
(b) Change the paragraph leaving one line-space.
(c) While writing any Informal letter, just start writing it keeping in mind the fact the you are causing the reader to feel your presence through the letter; in other words, the reader should read the letter as if he were talking to you.
(d) Always keep in mind the purpose of writing the letter and just ask yourself whether the letter will fulfil your purpose. Suppose, you’re asking your mother for some home-made sweets, your purpose should move around this desire. Likewise, if you’re writing a letter to your younger brother advising him to choose Banking Industry as a Career, you’ve to focus on what your purpose is; you’ve to keep convincing your brother through your words so that he would finally follow you.
Well, these are the important points to remember.
Now, let’s talk about different parts of an Informal Letter.
A Letter has the following parts:
1. The Heading
2. The Salutation
3. The Body
4. The Closing Part and
5. The Signature
The Heading comprises:
· Address and Date as you see in the screen:
You can mention the Dates as:
· November 25, 20…
· 25 November 20…
· 25/10/20…
6. Now, look at the Salutation Part. Let’s take some examples:
If you’re going to write to your friend, Sister or Brother, you can write it as:
· Dear Friend,
· Dearest Friend,
· My Dear Friend,
· My Dearest Friend,
Well! If you’re going to write to your Father or Mother, you can write it as:
· My Dear Father, Dear Father, Dear Papa,
· My Dear Mother, Dear Mother, Dear Mammy,
But, mind it – Don’t write – My Dearest Father or My Dearest Mother,
7. Now, let’s have a look at the Body Part:
The Body Part talks about your purpose. Select appropriate expressions concisely and accurately so as to make the reader known of you purpose. Don’t fill it with such redundant formalities in which your purpose gets lost. Use each and every word in such a way that the reader should feel your presence.
Now, second last part is the Closing Part which you can write as:
· Your loving son/daughter/ yours lovingly (in a letter to Father, Mother, Uncle, Grand Father or Mother or the other)
· Your sincere friend / Yours sincerely/ Sincerely yours (When you’re writing to your Friend)
· With love/ With best wishes (When you’re writing to your younger brother or sister etc.)
Now the last part of an Informal Letter is Signature in which you affix your signature.
Now have a glance at the Computer format layout of an Informal Letter which you will submit online in your Final Exam:
Informal Letter Format:
Address: XXXXX
Date: XXXX
Dear Father/Mother….,
(One-line space)
Yours ……
Signature: XXXX
Hope, you will have absolutely no problem in writing an Informal Letter.
A Letter to your friend, congratulating him on his recovery from a serious illness
Place: XXX
8th April, 2020.
Dear Raj,
How glad I am to have learnt that you have fully recovered from Typhoid! My heartiest congratulations on it!
Typhoid is a serious illness caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi found in water and in food. It damages intestines. Hence, very light food is advised to be taken. It causes high fever causing dizziness and intolerable pain in the body.
I am quite happy that you have so bravely fought against this serious disease for about one month. I know that you have gone very weak and you need extra care.
We friends have been missing you a lot in the college. We are all looking forward to your coming back to College with new vigour and excitement. Please, do take care of you and join our team soon.
With best wishes from
Sincerely yours,