An outline for an essay on “achieving universal healthcare”
SEBI Grade A exam 2023 is approaching and essay writing is an important part of the exam. One of the most important topics for essay writing is “Achieving Universal Health Care”. Universal Health Care (UHC) refers to a system where every individual has access to healthcare services without facing financial hardships. It is a fundamental human right and a key element in achieving sustainable development goals.
I. Introduction
- Definition of Universal Health Care
- Importance of achieving UHC
II. Challenges in Achieving UHC
- Inequitable access to health insurance
- Lack of financial protection
- Inclusion and exclusion errors in health insurance policies
- Availability of services
- Inadequate infrastructure
- Poor health education
III. Solutions to Achieving UHC
- Enhancement of health expenditure
- Increase public investment in healthcare
- Expand health insurance coverage
- Prioritize primary healthcare
- Improve healthcare quality
- Invest in health information systems
- Promote preventive healthcare
- Foster partnerships
IV. Counterarguments
- Cost of achieving UHC
- Resistance from private healthcare providers
V. Conclusion
- Recap of challenges and solutions
- Importance of achieving UHC for overall development
- Final thoughts and recommendations.