Here is the classification of the essay topics asked in RBI Grade B Phase 2 exams, categorized by segment and cited with the corresponding years:
Segment: Media and Society
2004: Media and moral policing
2008: The Role of Media in a Crisis
2014: Media is one of the strongest pillars of democracy.
Segment: Economy, Globalization, Finance
2004: Share Markets: who’s the greatest fool?
2004: Are foreign degrees worth pursuing?
2004: Natural disasters and the politics of aid
2004: Are Chinese goods a threat to Indian Economy?
2008: What went wrong in Singur
2008: The Nuclear Deal
2009: Is China a threat to India?
2009: The 2008 recession was a myth in India
2010: Do Growth and Inflation go together?
2014: Role of R.B.I. in controlling inflation.
2014: Stand of the NDA Government in dealing with corruption.
2015: How can India gain from China’s stock market crisis?
2015: India’s GDP growth will keep rising in the next five years.
2015: Government’s Gold-related Schemes.
2015: Will China’s Downturn help India?
2015: Indian economy needs Capital Investment.
2015: India needs bold Capital Investment.
2016: Effect of GST on the common person.
2016: Role of citizens in building smart cities.
2016: Role of technology in the banking industry.
2018: Advantages of UPI over money transfer.
2018: Positive and negative effects of demonetization on the Indian economy.
2019: NPFC Loan Collection Issues
2020: Prevention is better than cure (from economics perspective).
2021: An ounce of prevention is a pound worth of cure.
Segment: Social Issues
2007: Has the virtual workplace become a reality?
2007: Health insurance and wealth!
2007: Laptops for notebooks, what next in schools?
2007: What’s wrong with the SEZ policy?
2009: Can we leave the world a safer place for the next generation?
2009: Formal Education is the only way to success in life?
2010: Does Politics need Ethics?
2010: Is Environment our Social Responsibility?
2011: Can technology bring about economic growth with social justice?
2011: Can we have a corruption-free society?
2011: Is social ‘net’ working a blessing or a curse?
2012: How do Hi-Tech gadgets Rule our Lives?
2012: Environmental disasters are not only due to Global Warming.
2014: Euthanasia, a debatable phenomenon in India.
2014: Uses and misuses of Anti-Dowry Act.
2014: Commonwealth Games-2014 and India.
2018: Financial inclusion – A requirement for all ages in India.
2018: Measures for promoting micro-finance in India.
Segment: Technology
2019: Scope of 5G in India.
2020: Importance of Creativity.
2020: Computer Language Pros and Cons.
2021: Pros & Cons of teaching Coding/ Computer Language to school Students.
2017: Digitization and Ransomware.
Segment: Sports and Entertainment
2007: In the light of the popularity of ODIs and 20x20s has Test Cricket a future?
2012: Sports other than Cricket are winning us medals today.
2012: Indian Food is popular Worldwide!!
Segment: Environment and Climate Change
2015: Man is responsible for Climatic disasters.
2015: Climatic Catastrophes are due to Man’s wild constructions.
2022: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable resources? Discuss in the light of the Green Grid Initiative launched at CoP26. (Conference of the Parties at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference).
Segment: Education
2009: Business Schools – more business than school?
2017: Centralization of Higher Education.
2019: Higher Education.
2019: Stress among Youth.
Segment: Miscellaneous
2010: Travel and Tourism is a booming business.
2011: Has the RBI succeeded in curbing inflation?
2012: Has Gold lost its Glitter?
2013: Has the economic balance of power tilted eastwards?
2017: NPA (Non-Performing Assets).
2018: Crowd funding – the new phenomenon in financing.
2019: Democracy and Importance of Vote.
2022: Medical tourism.
2021: Importance of Creative thinking in business.
2022: Women entrepreneurship.
2022: Explain Albert Einstein’s Quote ‘peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.’
2016: Farmers’ suicide- social and economic implications.
2017: Nuclear Power Plant.
2017: Merger of SBI.
Please note that some essay topics are repeated across different years, indicating the recurrence of certain themes in the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exams.