Bring out the developments in India’s balance of payments (BOPs) since around the year 2010. Would you consider the current BOPs position in India to be sustainable? (15 Marks Questions | Limit: 600 Words) *

Bring out the developments in India’s balance of payments (BOPs) since around the year 2010. Would you consider the current BOPs position in India to be sustainable? (15 Marks Questions | Limit: 600 Words) *
What are the factors responsible for the emergence of a balance-of-payments/currency/financial crisis? Analyze with the help of some historical examples. Distinguish between head-count ratio and poverty-gap ratio as measures of poverty. What is the extent of poverty in India? (15 Marks Questions | Limit: 600 Words) *
Show that an economy cannot simultaneously have fixed exchange rates, perfect capital mobility and autonomous monetary policy. Bring out, in this context, the effects of increased capital inflows/outflows in an economy like India. (15 Marks Questions | Limit: 600 Words) *
Bring out, in an appropriate framework, the consequences of high fiscal deficits in an economy. Are you of the opinion that fiscal deficits in India are excessive? Give reasons for your answer. (15 Marks Questions | Limit: 600 Words) *
Bring out the role of the agricultural sector in the current stage of development in India. Please, refer to the current farm-bills. (15 Marks Questions | Limit: 600 Words) *
NABARD Grade A 2021 Mains (RDBS) Paper 2 General consists of Economic and Social Issues section. It consists of objective and descriptive questions. It is made up of 100 marks, including 50 marks for descriptive ESI questions and 50 marks for objective ESI questions.
Distinguish between head-count ratio and poverty-gap ratio as measures of poverty. What is the extent of poverty in India? (15 Marks Questions | Limit: 600 Words) *