The long-awaited RBI Grade B recruitment-2020-21 has come out. The number of vacancies declared is quite enough for a sincere candidate. Dedicate some precious time to the making of a concrete strategy which will win laurels for you for sure.
The long-awaited RBI Grade B recruitment-2020-21 has come out. The number of vacancies declared is quite enough for a sincere candidate. Dedicate some precious time to the making of a concrete strategy which will win laurels for you for sure.
Dear SEBI Grade A aspirant,
To fetch 70 + score in Descriptive English is not a difficult task provided that you prepare for it in the right direction under the proper guidance and at the same time on the platform which should be similar to that of the actual exam. Bankwhizz makes everything easy.
Don’t start writing the final précis as soon as you come across the passage. Stop being panicky. You have enough time to write a précis; however, do more and more practices on it for time management.
Do you fear writing a Précis for the given passage in your Exam? If yes, these materials are for you. Go through these with a little effort. You’ll find yourself confident in this Section.
Only collecting and memorizing points on different essay topics will not help you write effectively rather you need to practice writing on important essay topics on a regular basis keeping in mind time and word-limit as allotted to you in the actual exam.
Only collecting and memorizing points on different essay topics will not help you write effectively rather you need to practice writing on important essay topics on a regular basis keeping in mind time and word-limit as allotted to you in the actual exam.
Let’s attempt an essay mock on one of the most probable essay topics of SBI PO 2020.
Bankwhizz has issued some highly important Essay Topics for better preparation for the Descriptive Paper English Exam. Please, don’t take this paper for granted as it keeps a lot of weightage in your final selection; hence, throw yourself into preparing for this paper right from now so as to fix one seat for yourself.
– by Anandam Sir On January 16, 2016, PM Narendra Modi launched the ‘Start-up India Programme’ to build a strong eco-system for nurturing innovation and start-ups in the country. Five years have gone. India has succeeded in building a mega Read More …
Covishield and Covaxin are ‘made in India’ vaccines. Both are based on two-dose principle for the desired effect on the beneficiary. However, both are remarkably different on many fronts. COVAXIN This vaccine is India’s indigenous COVID 19 vaccine developed by Read More …
– by Anandam Unlike China, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and some others, The Indian citizens enjoy ‘Freedom of Expression’ which is the right given by the Indian Constitution under Article 19(1). But it is not an absolute Read More …