RBI Grade B is the eminent post one could achieve for a great life. It actually needs a lot of hard work and strong determination.
RBI Grade B is the eminent post one could achieve for a great life. It actually needs a lot of hard work and strong determination.
RBI Grade B exam takes place in three phases, after every phase there is a particular cut-off score which gets declared, so the students can assess their result according to the questions they have attempted.
Old Age is that inevitable phase of human cycle which everyone has to face in their life and in a particular time zone. It is that age when elders actually need love and care from their family.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established on July 12, 1982. Itis a national financial institution which promotes the agriculture and rural development in India by furnishing financial aids.
This is a frequently asked question ‘what should be the length of the answers to the questions of the given passage?’ In regulatory body exams, there are five questions set each carrying at least 5 marks.
Writing a good and marks-fetching précis is a tough task; but it can be easily tamed provided that you keep in mind some certain key points. Friend, the passage for précis in the regulatory body exams contain maximum 500 words which you can go through within 3 minutes provided that you have good reading speed with better comprehension.
Friend, as you know that there is conspicuous change in the syllabus of the second phase of RBI Grade B exam-2021. The weightage of Subjective Type Knowledge is more. In this second phase, you are required to write Descriptive English Questions along with the questions based on Economic and Social Issues and Finance and Management.
Any preparation starts with the thorough study of the syllabus and if you have understood the syllabus then you have completed one part of your journey. The prescribed syllabus gives you the basic knowledge of what you actually need to follow.
The ECGC PO exam was over on 14th March 2021. The Descriptive English Paper comprised two sections-Essay and Precis. Two options for essay and two for Precis were set but only one in each section was to be attempted.
Whether Interface for the mocks is similar to that of the actual exam?
You will have similar kind of feeling while attempting the mocks on our Interface. ‘Timer’, ‘Word-counter’ and the other are available. For more details, attempt the mocks already available for free.