– by Anandam The year 2020 breasted the agonies from all fronts, which we all know. Probably, it was the worst year that all of us may have ever experienced. Everything came to a standstill. The share markets nosedived; the Read More …
– by Anandam The year 2020 breasted the agonies from all fronts, which we all know. Probably, it was the worst year that all of us may have ever experienced. Everything came to a standstill. The share markets nosedived; the Read More …
Dear ECGC PO-2021 Aspirant,
Do you fear writing a Précis for the given passage in your Exam? If yes, these materials are for you. Go through these with a little effort. You’ll find yourself confident in this Section.
The Descriptive Paper Exam consists of two sections – Letter and Precis Writing – carrying 20 marks each and the time allotted for 40-Marks Exam is 40 minutes. Both types of tests (Objective & Descriptive) are to be submitted online by the help of the mouse and the keyboard.
The Objective Type and the Descriptive Type Tests are held on the same date in ECGC PO exam but it is not so in SBI and IBPS PO Exams. Hence, you need to focus on making a good strategy for its preparation for final selection.
It must be noted that as per the notification, the marks of the Descriptive Paper (English Language) will be reckoned for merit listing. It will only be evaluated for those candidates who qualify in the Objective Type of Tests and are placed adequately high as per total marks in the Objective Test. So, you need to make the strategy for the preparation accordingly i.e. you need to focus equally on both the sections:
If you think you’ve fared well in the first phase of SEBI Grade A examination, switch to the preparation for its second phase without waiting for the result keeping in mind the notion ‘Knowledge always works; it never goes in vain’.
Here is a highly important Essay Topic for better preparation for the Descriptive Paper English Exam. Please, don’t take this paper for granted. Throw yourself into preparing for this paper right from now so as to fix one seat for yourself.
Dear IBPS PO aspirants,
If you have qualified in Phase I, you should not waste your precious time for hunting materials and preparing notes for descriptive English rather you should initiate phase II preparation sincerely with full of dedication. Your Phase II performance will be a game-changer. you need to be very much sincere about preparing for Descriptive Paper.
Overview by Anandam India is the second highest number of COVID 19 infections in the world next to the US. People had been living in trauma of this deadly virus for months; but On January 16, 2021, the country took Read More …
Now, start preparing Essays & Letters with Bankwhizz. You had better prepare on a virtual platform under the guidance of some expert. Bankwhizz provides you with such a platform where you get holistic approach to its preparation.